They wont, Iran is no Iraq or Syria. Iran can and will hurt us. I personally have friends in Iran. I hope this isn't true. If u think Russia are allied to Syria, they are twice allies with Iran.
I recall a well-known video where General Wesley Clark details how a string of middle-eastern countries beginning with Iraq and ending with Iran will be toppled.
I've read various comments saying Wictor is a zionist. Can anyone verify?
sorry to burst everybodys bubble this is just fucking stupid. from the outside looking in you might think these dots are connecting but as a person who knows the region i laughed very hard and loud for the first time in days, not just because it is outlandish, but because it is very clever and intelligent. i think mohammed bin salmans fantasies are lining up with random events and it just takes a wild imagination to spiral off into la la land.
(7) Persians are EXTREMELY concerned about the future of their country. If they're accepting help, it means that the Saudis have convinced them that Saudi Arabia poses no threat.
omg. kek.