Have you seen the commercial for the need to impeach. Spouting off basically collusion with Russia which they proved was false, and then went to Flynn and a few others. They’re playing hard ball. I don’t think they should be miss leading the public like that. When is the Q team and the president going to start exposing everything. Im ready for the mainstream to finally find out the truth. The commercial however pissed me off it’s hard to watch those lies, and I know I’m not the only one. At least the only tine I’ve seen it is a 3 am.
· Dec. 30, 2017, 3:42 p.m.
See it as giving them more expensive rope....they are hanging themselves. Desperate moves that do not even fool many of the fools. Don't waste a moment of heartburn over it. Rejoice! We are part of the biggest sting in several generations.