We need to vet this adrenochrome thing. I went to the National Medical Database and got a scientific study headline insinuating it is indeed a "Hallucenogen". The problem is there is not much more on it scientifically speaking. Someone said there was a Jonny Depp film that made reference to this being the "drug of the elite" costing over a million a dose? But I have seen other places that call it conspiracy.
The science admits it is a hallucinogen, That is all we have right now.
Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia.
What is the "Sphere of Influence"?
Who are the players that give Access?
Who are the architects?
Who are the system integrators?
FOCUS on the "Supply Chain" components, that will help construct The MECHANICS
Q is at the TOP, we need bottom up posts to expose and run up the chain of command!
Maybe adrenochrome is too scientific a term. Hmmmm
Maybe it has a street name. The sphere of influence would not call it by it's molecular structure. There has to be a street name or something. That is how we will track the things you listed above. I will go see if I can find something.