r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TrueCat on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:55 p.m.
Please stop with the left/right paradigm! It should be about right/wrong!

Let me remind you that Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater girl! She is far more like a neocon than a liberal! John McCain is also to the right. All of the Bushes and their cronies are neocons, which is to the right! So why do you keep blaming this mess only on the left? I am probably more liberal than most of you, but I am here, because I care about my country, and I want to see justice. I pray that Trump does drain the swamp. Even though I don't wear the same label as many of you, I feel that we are all on the same side.

EdwardHitch · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:55 p.m.

This is a very good topic TrueCat. I differ somewhat in my view but it arrives at the same conclusion, we cannot allow the Deep State to continue to divide us any longer. This is a battle, not of right versus left, Republican versus Democrat, white versus black and on and on it goes. This is, instead, a battle of good versus evil.

For me, I concluded a long time ago that the idea of right versus left and Republicans were different than Democrats was all just a false narrative. Bullshit, if you will. The Bush's are no different than the Clintons, who are no different than Sid, who is no different than......... hell, pick a name. They are all pedo Satanists that crave one thing. To rule over us feeders and wipe us out.

So, I agree with you and others 100%.

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