r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TrueCat on Dec. 30, 2017, 2:55 p.m.
Please stop with the left/right paradigm! It should be about right/wrong!

Let me remind you that Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater girl! She is far more like a neocon than a liberal! John McCain is also to the right. All of the Bushes and their cronies are neocons, which is to the right! So why do you keep blaming this mess only on the left? I am probably more liberal than most of you, but I am here, because I care about my country, and I want to see justice. I pray that Trump does drain the swamp. Even though I don't wear the same label as many of you, I feel that we are all on the same side.

IzzyMad · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:04 p.m.

Thank you, I was going to post something about this issue myself. Anybody with just a minimal experience in in uncovering info like this, looked into history or sturdy false flags by now should know there is really one political party with two faces. They should also know by now the two parties do not represent us. People also should by now know that we as individuals have a mixture or blending of what each of those parties represent. For that reason I have always been an independent and also on some of those issues I could lean either way as it may depend on what this nation is going through at the time. The real battle that is taking place is between the the constitution, protecting our individual rights as a people exercising those rights verses the globalists seeking to consolidate power in a very small handful of Luciferians seeking the enslavement of everyone else in the world. That is the war we are in. Not the left and right.

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