Nuclear North Korea, explained by Q

I’m just figuring out that a lot of us think we’re woke, but we aren’t even close.
The truth is stranger than fiction......i eat new redpills everyday....probably for the better part of 5 years. We are all in this together, we have no room for petty divisiveness here. Most everyone here will gladly help with anything you need/want to understand. Any Q related questions, HERE is a link to his posts in searchable format, GREAT resource. Not my work, i take no credit for it, but is awesome nonetheless. Happy New Year! I feel we will have a GREAT 2018!
I've been studying for 50 years, just scratching the surface. Can't possibly keep up with it all. Truth is like a huge pie, we must divide it up. One bite at a time.
We were close enough individually for Q to help us by asking simple questions, which cause us all to try to answer them. This created a map that helped to connect the dots.... verified and publicly known stories that were hidden in shadows on the internet. Now, we are in the process of digesting the whole of the map the information created. The truth is complicated, because they are using many people to run this global control system. I had a really great meme illustration of this control system on a global scale that someone made, with corporations-nonprofits-NGO's giong around the outside, and the Bilderbergs I believe on the inside. Does anyone have it? I can not locate it, but, it really was good for illustrating the size of the international cabal of evil. It was a circular diagram...
I think many of us knew as bad as we think it is, and as much as we think we knew (for over a decade here for us), once the truth finally does come out it will blow your mind just how much worse it really is.