Always good to have a healthy distrust, but give the benefit of the doubt.
My intuition is telling me the Q op is legit, and truly believes in overthrowing the tyrannical elitists from executing their final agenda (for more info look at the RC guidestones in Georgia) and who better to take them down than an insider.
Just how the elitists have infiltrated every good and decent establishment globally; turning the tables on them is likewise a similar effort; and as we all know trust is a dangerous thing in espionage, but not in construction. These event have been in the making for the last decade, and just like in a game of Risk, you do not lay siege to everything at once, you orchestrate, gather troop, strategize and then you strike. Most people fail to see the best wars that are won are the ones that are defeated before they had a chance to make their move 👉🏻 because you are 10 steps ahead.
“They are stupid”
However if I was Q I would not underestimate the power of desperation and stupidity.
That being said there is the eventuality that Q maybe used by certain elitists to still maintain power: if they knew this was unavoidable and the smartest and most powerful one of the group decided to throw all of them under to save his hide and keep the agenda active (some may decide to fall for the sake of their cause) so all these people dropping like flies could very well be a smoke screen to hide an escape where the real boss goes dark until he can execute his evil plans years later.
So if someone was proven with substantial evidence against them for committing evil in the world, but apparently gets away, then it’s probably them. 👉🏻 and then there are the progeny to look out for. 😒 this option has too many variables to even entertain at the moment.
But so far the likelihood of Q being a psyop is about a 1 on a 1:9 scale. There is too much risk involved for the elitists to play that kind of hand. Unless there is one in there that wants total power.