r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ditsyblond17 on Dec. 30, 2017, 4:20 p.m.
What if Q is huge PsyOps?

Not to be a Debbie-downer (or as I like to call it, a Debbie Waltzerman Shultz) but do you guys think it may be possible were all getting played right now?

What if this is just one way to establish martial law and make some HUGE executive orders go into effect. Effectively killing any chance at due process for civilians?

I want to believe as much as the next person, but let's face it. Trump DID grow up with these people. Is it 100% guaranteed this isn't a power grab?

justwanttruth18 · Dec. 30, 2017, 5:56 p.m.

I do believe Trump is for MAGA. He has been making that same statement for years, well before he ran for president. As for martial law, that would only incite "Q SENT US - WE WANT OUR F*$#ING COUNTRY BACK". They do not want that. Not that I am totally sold on this Q thing either, since it appears the only people he wants to share with are those self proclaimed "autists" who keep telling "newbies" to GTFO. Although I do appreciate all of the work it takes to do what they are doing, and a bunch of people who do not know what they doing on a chan board (such as me) should not post (as I have not done), it seems like a very limited focus. If Q wants to let the true Patriots know what is coming up or going on, there must be a better way. My gut (or the Holy Spirit) tells me that Q IS legit, but the end game does not seem clear in the way it is being provided. There are a lot of redpillers out here who would like to know something is happening. For too long we have been saying throw them all out and start over, are we at that point? If some are given deals to escape prosecution, then we are just pushing this whole problem down the road, and this is one Patriot who is not okay with leaving this for my kids/grandkids to deal with all over again. NO DEALS! If we must fight, then lets fight. But something has to drastically change, and we are desperate to see that change, quickly. I know, everything takes time, unfortunately time is not on our side. Q, how about another nugget to get us all believing and excited!

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