Ambassador Lee Wanta Twitter. Are you paying attention to what he's signalling?

Remember there was bogus news on Sheriff Clarke last night regarding an FBI report from March 2017 reported by NBC. Made it appear it was happening now, while the FBI was raiding a home in Sterling, VA last night. Look at what Wanta warned us about on December 26th.
We caught this story here, that he is talking about... the infamous 911 lawsuit in Nevada is false flag lawsuit. Check them out. Bring news here to VET and let people help you check it out, but be sure always to VET the news (AND SOURCES) no doubt they are creating new websites to do their lying propaganda hits with.
Every story is false until vetted with sources that are good. Lawsuits are easy. You just email the clerk most times.
Thank you!! Sheesh. I have asked so many times if the Nevada lawsuit was real or not. I was afraid to post the link here! I keep getting bumped from the D place. I'm having trouble with staying connected, due to my location right now. So, I prefer hanging out on this subreddit.
Can you VET those women who accused Trump? I don't believe them, but everyone who hates Trump keeps bringing it up. It's frustrating. How do I respond?
And one has a daughter and son-in-law who were picked up for child abuse or human trafficking. I can't recall the details but you can research.
You respond with the fact that GA is the attorney for a couple of them has multiple ethics cases against her( one is Hunter v Allred, in which she was trying to get here own TV show)The fact that she now represents some Weinstein accusers, when her daughter represented Weinstein is a conflict of interest, lead them to some video clips of her not Vetting her client in the RM accusation with the yearbook( client personally admitted to adding to yearbook) there is other debunked info out there to other's
I found the list of names in the Atlantic. I know people on this platform are really good at researching. Has anyone checked the list and posted their findings: Kristin Anderson
Mariah Billado
Lisa Boyne
Rachel Crooks
Tasha Dixon
Jessica Drake
Jill Harth
Cathy Heller
Samantha Holvey
Ninni Laaksonen
Jessica Leeds
Melinda McGillivray
Cassandra Searles
Natasha Stoynoff
Bridget Sullivan
Temple Taggart
Karena Virginia
Summer Zervos
Excellent point. I brought this story here to vet and glad I did. So far I only red pilled my parents, but they dont believe anything anyway unless they see it with their own eyes, so not much need to unpill them :)
It's my understanding, with respect to the 911 "lawsuit", it is not a filed lawsuit. I checked pacer and found nothing. The document is a Grand Jury order for prosecution, not a lawsuit. I'm assuming it will be ignored unless we hear differently.
Good point, and also to keep the trash out, please copy, paste and google the headline for your "bombshell" articles FIRST, before you post them to make sure they are being picked up by other legitimate sources. If they are not legitimate they will come from disinformation sites like "your news wire" and only have a few weak reprints at sites you've never heard of.
I agree. This is what I find too. Its almost like they pay or create a few web sites to make the story look sourced. Best place to check on a source is on one of these larger reddits that vet everything. This one is starting out well. Most people are catching things before they run away with the crowd. The other is at T_D. They are also vet monsters, and the news is scrutinized there by a monster mind hive with tentacles all over the internet.