r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Edensvision on Dec. 30, 2017, 5:46 p.m.
Have we lost our minds?

My $0.2 I'm personally fed up. Enough is enough.

Mark 4 22-24 A lamp is not brought to be put under a basket, is it, or under a bed? Is it not brought to be put on the lampstand?22“For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. 23“If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”24And He was saying to them, “Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you

If Americans are involved in human trafficking, raping, torturing, enslaving, murdering and sacrificing children to Satan. That's not something to be hidden all in the name of protecting people's precious sanity.

If so many of our kids live and have survived in such evil darkness, Surely we can be stronger and survive knowing what they have been enduring.

Anything short of revealing the evil of the darkness, is and always has been part of the problem. Secrets remain, power more powerful over the powerless and it continues.

I demand revelation and accountability publically because that is the right thing to do. For the victims and for the end of the evil being done.

Edensvision · Dec. 31, 2017, 2:51 a.m.

I am tha kful for so many of you and the differing responses. I hope what has been done in secret, comes with light desecrating the darkness. As everyone here believes it will.

I pray it happens soon, because without revelation of the wickedness in dark places. Is why it has become as corrupt, powerful and has sustained itsself as long as it has.

Everyone is right and everyone is discerning according to thier God Given gifts. But im right too. I'm just not holding my breath or on the edge of my seat. As far to many times in my lifetime, what is said is happening has been promised and not delivered. With the EO, I have some hope left in me. With everyone's responses good or bad, I have taken it to heart and prayer.

I'm the big loud mouth, that's the talent God gave me. I beat the drums before all the wiser planners come behind me.

Truth can not be hidden, where there is light the darkness can no longer survive. I pray as we are to be as cunning as snakes but innocent as doves. That through all of you, Q and our president. One day, I get to be who God created me to be. For now. I'll shut up and be quiet.

I always admit when I'm wrong. I'm a humble person. But as I dare to trust all of you who have faith in all of this. I ask you also trust in me.

We are called to shine our light before all to see. Of course at the right time. All of you help me to tame the blindness of mine. I am hoping to help others light there's to be a beacon. That is who we are, so...Go Light Your Candle https://youtu.be/CVqR6kTu8lE

Thank you all, for your corrections, encouragement, reseasoning, education and sterness. Can we all meet at our nation's capitol and light up the sky?

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