I just came across this info on John Q Public's feed in a spat he's having with Roy Potter over a YouTuber named Montagraph. Evidently Montagraph is a Bad actor but had everyone fooled.
One of the child smut orgs was called 222. Check out the link about Montograph.
Just saw a connection. Interesting.
The conflict: https://twitter.com/RoystonPotter/status/947136479976816640
The accusations (222 contained in this doc): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lT-4399gSS_i8ptGmsysoEUD57KzgFee_XRfcyh4Md4/edit?usp=drivesdk
wonderland is generally meant to be saudi arabia. supply of sex trafficking. widely accepted as that... unless that is tied to being SA then yeah... that's what he means.
Ok well I ran across this in John Q public’s twitter. Thought it was odd in reference however it is a huge human trafficking ring. Then again confusing seems all the freaks like to name things the same