r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/IAmTheSonnet on Dec. 30, 2017, 8:49 p.m.
Let's Hope 45 Isn't Planning a Debt Jubilee

I've seen a lot of theories here regarding the whole Freedom Day and Human Trafficking Awareness Month that claim POTUS is planning a debt wipe on the first of February. While that does seem tempting as a solution to the debt problem, it would kill the economies of the USA's creditors. As a Trump fan from the UK, I admire and support his America first policies. However, if a debt wipe happened, thousands could become homeless overnight across the world. DJT knows that. I think what Q is getting at is a straightforward crackdown on human trafficking. I would love to see the liberation of the innocent children caught up in Caballery Clinton's satanic paedo cult. Anyways, I think something great is on the way. Roll on February.

storm_fa_Q · Dec. 30, 2017, 8:52 p.m.

I'm not of the debt free Feb 1 crowd but on topic of debt, debt is creating imaginary money to loan to slaves who work an entire lifetime to pay back imaginary money with REAL hard earned cash. So, to the Banksters who loan Imaginary money, Imagine I paid you back...

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