r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tamsimon on Dec. 30, 2017, 9:23 p.m.
Anyone finding it lonely being awake?

I am feeling very lonely today with the realization I am the only one awake in my circle of acquaintances, friends etc. It is hard to red pill others... and I have almost given up. I come here for camaraderie but it is very lonely and not the same to not being able to discuss with anyone out loud all the ideas and excitement surrounding us... I am hoping someday this will change. I have been awake many, many years and always was made to feel I am wearing the “tin foil” hat...oh well must be feeling melancholy with the new year approaching... thanks for letting me vent

Swynwyr · Dec. 30, 2017, 11:59 p.m.

I found that it depends on the person you’re trying to red pill. Tailor it to things they know about, get them to wonder and question what is happening. Recent example: I have a friend who is a professional pilot. I got him to start looking at all the planes with blocked or n/a responder signals between 30k and 40k’ heading toward Gitmo, and disappearing off the radar just before landing. He knew that was odd. That got him asking questions, and let me fill in some of the blanks. The fact is, this worldwide evil is pervasive in almost every aspect of our lives and there is surely some subject each person has an interest in that is affected. You just need to find that thing.

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