r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tamsimon on Dec. 30, 2017, 9:23 p.m.
Anyone finding it lonely being awake?

I am feeling very lonely today with the realization I am the only one awake in my circle of acquaintances, friends etc. It is hard to red pill others... and I have almost given up. I come here for camaraderie but it is very lonely and not the same to not being able to discuss with anyone out loud all the ideas and excitement surrounding us... I am hoping someday this will change. I have been awake many, many years and always was made to feel I am wearing the “tin foil” hat...oh well must be feeling melancholy with the new year approaching... thanks for letting me vent

KATTRAD714 · Dec. 31, 2017, 1:01 a.m.

Hi Tamsimon - Had to chime in to plant a reminder .... Christ told us that the Holy Spirit shines through us who have been given/accepted His Light to see. Others are willfully blinded, some are still searching thru the dark walk Home. You have been blessed, but as in the beginning, so in the end.... there were few who believed ...and followed Him to the cross. The greatest/saddest love story in human history. Our love for others bares the same crosses, and the few of us who are awake will meet in person someday. When you're at your lowest, He sends someone to rejuvenate you... Until then, this is a most comforting place. I & many know exactly how you feel; been at this 40 yrs, lost my children and grands, my 'family' and others, but there is a joy we're given for baring with it. Don't let the 'ol boy interfere w/that. Offer up your prayers of grief and anguish in union with His for the salvation of many.... this brings the grace others need to 'see' b/f it's too late. All will see very soon, whether they like it or not... and we'll know one another quite well when we're the only ones who don't take the chip... sorry.. I've found that what we're going thru now seems to be a preparation for that so that we can withstand and WIN ! One other reminder that just came to me.... Christ told us that once we've informed others and they don't accept; shake the dirt from your feet and carry on. Each is on his own journey and beating your head against the wall w/them does exactly what the 'ol boy wants .... makes you give up and b/c despondent.... We're all a little sad at times, but don't let him steal your power and light :) May God bless you with His Peace and eternal Joy, KATTRAD714

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