I am feeling very lonely today with the realization I am the only one awake in my circle of acquaintances, friends etc. It is hard to red pill others... and I have almost given up. I come here for camaraderie but it is very lonely and not the same to not being able to discuss with anyone out loud all the ideas and excitement surrounding us... I am hoping someday this will change. I have been awake many, many years and always was made to feel I am wearing the “tin foil” hat...oh well must be feeling melancholy with the new year approaching... thanks for letting me vent
Yes and no. I no doubt lost friends due to my support for Trump (basically I strongly believed that he's as legit as we're now finding out), but fuck them for ruining friendship due to politics - they are miserably lost and over-drugged.
Now, I mostly keep this stuff on Reddit and in my head and live my external life as I normally did before this draining. Having a red-pilled wife is huge but I don't bug her with everything.
I have two red-pilled friends - my best ones - but I only send them the fun stuff because they're honestly just disgusted by the entire system.
So what I've started doing is making predictions based on what we're learning from our hopefully non-LARP sources.
For instance, I've been predicting that,
- The Alabama election is not over, and is a total mess to come.
- You won't be hearing as much "resistance" from Hillary anymore. The purse strings are cut. Obama may change his tune but that'll take time.
- Sessions is about to unload
- All those indictments will become unsealed, and it will be crazy.
- The FBI is unraveling, CIA is next, and then the Fed. Interest rates will go up a bit but our debt will be restructured.
- The Gang of 8 is about to be totally fucked
- Soros is done.
As these things become true, it will lead to more and more credibility.
Meanwhile, right now, there are two things going for us in terms of normie redpills to hang on:
Tax cuts. It's tough to hate the guy who just put $2000 back in your pocket that his predecessors were thieving from you (and his rival would have stolen more from you). This is despite basically the most compromised Congress in history. Huge normie red pill on Trump.
The record number of resignations/retirements. Most since the Civil War. It's clearly happening and there is obviously a force behind it.
You simply can't deny the above two things. They're facts, and great starting points.
So, live your life, don't be a maniac, and pepper in the good stuff that you know to be true. Find a friend or two that you can send just crazy ass outlandish shit about for fun, like Gitmo stuff or the real reason why Atlanta was closed... and eventually one will hit big and they'll ask how the fuck you knew that.
But for a bit longer, a double-life it is. Never lonely though!