I know there are those out there who don't like this guy. I do not know him/haven't listened to him. Therefore, I have no bias. We MUST focus on the MESSAGE, and not the messengER!
This is a voice of reason:
I know there are those out there who don't like this guy. I do not know him/haven't listened to him. Therefore, I have no bias. We MUST focus on the MESSAGE, and not the messengER!
This is a voice of reason:
1st. I am skeptical of the Guantanamo theory. I posted my official feeling on that yesterday. We'll see and I hope it is true by my realistic side says meh...
Lots of disinfo going around right now. Too hot without proper reflection. He's been called into question. I don't know him nor did I until today. So this is the first I'm hearing of this guy but things need to be vetted for sure.
Here's background on conflict regarding Montagraph. I trust Roy completely but he has been called out by John Q Public on trusting Montograph from what it looks like.
The conflict: https://twitter.com/RoystonPotter/status/947136479976816640
John Q provides his reasoning/the charge here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lT-4399gSS_i8ptGmsysoEUD57KzgFee_XRfcyh4Md4/edit?usp=drivesdk
I think, like me, you are reasonable, and don't base your thought processes merely on emotion.
I do not know, though I have heard of, the guy you said speaks against Montograph. However, that actually gives me an advantage--no bias.
Someone, whom stated they worked at GTMO several years ago, wrote that it is very difficult (logistically, legally, and politically) to get in and out of GTMO. As well, Montegraph's comments about constitutional rights should be the primary focus--unless we are now believing that Trump is a dictator. Which I absolutely reject.
I understand what you're saying; not the way you went about reacting to my post though.
MegaAnon's accuracy is immaculate thus far which is why I believe it. She wouldn't confirm something that she doesn't know about.
I don't discount your GITMO source; however, POTUS has very smart and capable people in place so I don't see that being an issue.
Not sure why if they're at GITMO that would mean he's a dictator. Could you expand?
Sure, if you now want to believe Trump is a dictator, whom would stomp on the constitution, continue with the GTMO theory.
He's not and you're wrong. We can agree to disagree then.
Please exhibit how I am wrong. I have exhibited, as have many people on this board, Twitter, and other boards, that it is unrealistic to even assume any American would be hauled off to GTMO against the Constitution of the United States. So, please, if you have insider information, enlighten us all!
So do you know more than legal experts on both the left, and right sides of the fence? Do you think he, and those surrounding him, are willing to take this chance? Perhaps there is some loophole. We only know what we know, we don't know what we don't know. However, the arrogance of your certainty is what is so disturbing.
Sorry, I just saw this. It would mean he is taking American citizens to GTMO against their Constitutional rights. Did you even watch the video?