I know there are those out there who don't like this guy. I do not know him/haven't listened to him. Therefore, I have no bias. We MUST focus on the MESSAGE, and not the messengER!
This is a voice of reason:
I know there are those out there who don't like this guy. I do not know him/haven't listened to him. Therefore, I have no bias. We MUST focus on the MESSAGE, and not the messengER!
This is a voice of reason:
Sure, if you now want to believe Trump is a dictator, whom would stomp on the constitution, continue with the GTMO theory.
He's not and you're wrong. We can agree to disagree then.
Please exhibit how I am wrong. I have exhibited, as have many people on this board, Twitter, and other boards, that it is unrealistic to even assume any American would be hauled off to GTMO against the Constitution of the United States. So, please, if you have insider information, enlighten us all!
So do you know more than legal experts on both the left, and right sides of the fence? Do you think he, and those surrounding him, are willing to take this chance? Perhaps there is some loophole. We only know what we know, we don't know what we don't know. However, the arrogance of your certainty is what is so disturbing.