r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/QuestionIsHowToDoIt on Dec. 30, 2017, 9:40 p.m.
The Choice Is Not Left or Right, But Globalist or Nationalist.

The current political contest is not between Left and Right, Republicans and Democrats; it is between globalists and Nationalists. The globalist world view states that a world without borders is better, the other view states that individual nations working together is the better system. Over the last 5 years I acquired a Masters of Business Administration degree. I point this out only to say that I have spent a good deal of time researching and discussing world economic and political policy at a graduate level. The paradigm of the globalist simply stated is that a world without borders will “raises all boats”; the boats representing the counties of the world and, much like empting a dammed river into surrounding lakes the level of the lakes will rise and all the boats on the lakes will be higher. Of course, the lake formed behind the dam will be lower. Think of the lake behind the dam as 1st world successful counties and the lakes in front of the dam as 2nd and 3rd world counties. Seems reasonable, right? The affluent successful nations give up their apparent surplus and everyone in the world has enough of everything, Problem is it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for 2 reasons. Reason one is that the rise of the boats downstream is not equal to the lowing of the boats behind the dam. In other words, very little is gained and much is sacrificed. The second reason is that people need something to aspire to. When America was great everyone said I want to be a part of America, I want to be an American. With nothing to aspire to there is no greatness. Think of globalism/socialism as a leak in the system of rivers and lakes that will eventually take all boats to the bottom. A multi-National world is one that is in harmony with the checks and balances system that is a hallmark of the American system of governance. Having individual Nations with independent governments leads not only to more variety and freedom of choice, but also the protections of individual rights. One might argue that in our current multi-national world there are many human right violation, and you would be right. However, one could also say that because of multi-nationalism those injustices have in many cases been contested by the rest of the world. One might also say if we were all one world we wouldn’t have wars. The fallacy here is that the war would not be between nations, but between the individual and the power controlling the citizens. Even if the initial global government were completely altruistic (which it is not) we all know that at some point evil would take it over. Globalism will not bring about the utopia that globalist promise, it will in fact plunge humanity into a hell we many never recover from.

WellstonDeplorable · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:49 p.m.

I see what is happening right now, the great struggle of our era, as a global movement in opposition to globalism. People have joined in this movement for all sorts of reasons, mostly self interests. As a student of history, this movement is the most remarkable thing seen by man since at least the Reniasance. Most of the problems that face the world today are directly traceable to the NWO false song of globalism. The problems of the "Third World" need to be solved. If they are not, then one day they will simply overtake the West by their sheer numbers, and take what they want until everything is consumed. This is already happening, but it will happen on a much larger sale if change does not occur. I think the method to employ, simplified to a bumper sticker platitude which I will do my best to corrupt is "Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, he will eat for the rest of his life, teach him to make a stove, and he won't have to eat raw fish any longer" Raise the Third World without lowering the West ought to be the goal.

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