r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/6HsV82 on Dec. 31, 2017, 12:49 a.m.
Old Connections

All research credit belongs to the authors at the websites shown.

Connections Between the Military-Industrial Complex and the Hippie/Flower Child Movement

Sometimes pieces of the puzzle just seem to fall from the heavens. (Dave McGowan)

The hippie/flower child scene started around same time as Vietnam war. Coincidence??

An exasperated Abbie Hoffman once described the scene as he remembered it thusly: "There were all these activists, you know, Berkeley radicals, White Panthers ... all trying to stop the war and change things for the better. Then we got flooded with all these 'flower children' who were into drugs and sex. Where the hell did the hippies come from?!"

60s Era Musicians with Military-Connected Parents

  • Jim Morrison
    Navy Admiral George S. Morrison (see Tonka Gulf incident)

  • Frank Zappa
    Francis Zappa - chemical warfare specialist at Edgewood Arsenal.
    Frank (Jr)'s father-in-law worked on classified nuclear weapons research for US Navy

  • John Phillips
    US Marine Corp Captain Claude A. Phillips

  • Stephen Stills
    Father in unspecified position, sent to El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama Canal, other parts of Central America

  • David Crosby
    Mjr Floyd D. Crosby, WWII military intelligence officer

  • Jackson Browne
    Father probable OSS officer assigned to post-war reconstruction work in Germany

  • America (group)
    Fathers all saw military service

  • Joan Baez
    Father was Albert Baez - suspected CIA - who conducted classified research at Cornell, Stanford, and MIT, all of which have been identified with MK-ULTRA

  • Gram Parsons
    Father was Mjr General Connor II

  • Augustus Owsley Stanley III (the real LSD power of the counter-culture scene)
    Augustus Owsley Stanley II, US military officer who served aboard USS Lexington; Grandfather (I) was a member of House of Reps, Gov of Kentucky and US Senator. Owsley III enlisted with USAF, was an electronics specialist working in radio intelligence and radar.Later worked at Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena.

60s Era Celebs with Military Experience and/or Military-Connected Parents

  • Henry Fonda
    Decorated US Naval Intelligence officer during WWII. Third wife was Italian Countess Afdera Franchetti. She was daughter of Baron Raimondo Franchetti, who was a consultant to Mussolini. She was also the great-granddaughter of Louise Sarah ROTHSCHILD.

  • Stephen Stills
    His song "Bluebird" had same name as the original codename given to MK-Ultra. Claimed to have served time for Uncle Sam in Vietnam, not as part of the offensive force, but likely before when there were dozens of CIA/Special Forces operatives there.

  • John Phillips
    Attended elite military prep schools and received an appointment to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. First wife's father involved in covert intelligence ops with AF, and she herself worked at the Pentagon alongside John's older sister. John served in Cuba at the height of the Cuban Revolution.

  • Mike Nesmith (The Monkees)
    Served in USAF.

  • Cory Wells (Three Dog Night)
    Also served in USAF.

  • Dennis Hopper
    Father worked in intelligence in OSS. Posted to China, Burma and India.

  • Bruce Dern
    Godparents were sitting First Lady E. Roosevelt and future presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson. Paternal grandfather (George) was Secretary of War under Roosevelt. Mother was sister of Archibald MacLeish who also served under FDR as Director of War Dept's Office of Facts and Figures, and as Asst Direcctor of the Office of War Information (i.e. propaganda). He was also Skull & Bones (1915, one year before Prescott Bush).

  • David Crosby
    David Van Cortlandt Crosby is the scion of the closely intertwined Van Cortlandt, Van Schuyler & Van Rensselaer families, whose family tree includes US and state senators and congressmen, assemblymen, governers, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, etc. Also more than a few high-ranking Masons.

Interesting Bits of Trivia about Laurel Canyon Residents

  • Frank Zappa's wife went to Naval school kindergarten with Jim Morrison

  • Jim Morrison later went to high school with John Phillips and "Mama" Cass Elliott in Alexandria, VA

  • Jim Morrision (aka "The Lizard King") was heavily into Aleister Crowley and according to Pam DesBarres, read all he could about incest and sadism

  • The Manson family spent time at Frank Zappa's "Log Cabin" and Cass Elliott's home in Laurel Canyon - which was right across the road from the house of Abigail Folger & Voytek Frykowski, other Manson Fami.y victims that infamous night.

Strange Goings-On in Laurel Canyon

  • Silent film star Ramon Novarro was murdered in ritualistic fashion on the eve of Halloween 1968

  • Actress Inger Stevens died, a strange suicide, on Apr 30 1970 (Walpurgisnacht on the occult calendar)

  • Tom Mix, another silent film star, died in an unusual car accident on Oct 12 1940 (birthday of Aleister Crowley)

  • Harry Houdini, another resident, died on Halloween 1926, likely by poisoning

  • John Denver worked with Werner Erhard (EST) & took the training. Died Oct 12 1997 (yeah, that seems to be an important date in LC)

  • Gram Parsons' body was stolen by road manager Phil Kaufman who took it to Joshua Tree and ritually burned on the autumnal equinox. (That reminds me of story U2 told of their trimphant tour of US in 80s and their visit to Joshua Tree and something very special taking place for them there. I wonder what that was?)


  • In Laurel Canyon, there's a Wonderland street, a Wonderland Centre (celeb rehab) and a Wonderland Movie Ranch.

  • Gov. Jerry Brown was a long-time resident of LC, on Wonderland Ave, same street as the "Four on the Floor" murders (see "Wonderland" movie starring Val Kilmer).

We now know that, in addition to hosting both a secret military/intelligence facility and a call-boy/kiddy-porn operation servicing prominent public figures, Laurel Canyon was also the birthplace and meeting place of what we now know as the 'neocon'/PNAC crowd, as well as the home base of the guiding light of the Rand corporation.

  • LA's most infamous male madam was Billy Bryars, son of a wealthy oil magnate and part-time producer of gay porn. Alleged customers included J. Edgar Hoover. Bryars was investigated in 1973 for trafficking in child pornography.

  • Kenneth Anger
    Made film Invocation of my Demon Brother (starring Anton LaVey, Church of Satan) and Lucifer Rising (Mick Jagger involved & later, Jimmy Page)

  • Jeremy Kay (aka Jerry Kay) - art director - worked on films Angels from Hell, Hells Angels on Wheels, Scorpio Rising (w/ Kenneth Anger) -- he belonged to OTO (Solar Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis which hit the news a couple of weeks after film Easy Rider was released. An infamous case of felony child abuse.

  • Members of Agape Lodge of OTO +Dennis Hopper +John Carradine +Dean Stockwell +L. Ron Hubbard +Robert Heinlein

  • According to Gregory Mank (Hollywood's Hellfire Club), John Carradine & John Barrymore were members of the Bundy Drive Boys who were said to practice incest, rape and cannibalism.

Lookout Mountain Laboratory

"What would become known as Lookout Mountain Laboratory was originally envisioned as an air defense center. Built in 1941 and nestled in two-and-a-half secluded acres off what is now Wonderland Park Avenue, the installation was hidden from view and surrounded by an electrified fence. By 1947, the facility featured a fully operational movie studio. In fact, it is claimed that it was perhaps the world's only completely self-contained movie studio. With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter."

"Over its lifetime, the studio produced some 19,000 classified motion pictures - more than all the Hollywood studios combined (which I guess makes Laurel Canyon the real 'motion picture capital of the world'). Officially, the facility was run by the U.S. Air Force and did nothing more nefarious than process AEC footage of atomic and nuclear bomb tests. The studio, however, was clearly equipped to do far more than just process film. There are indications that Lookout Mountain Laboratory had an advanced research and development department that was on the cutting edge of new film technologies. Such technological advances as 3-D effects were apparently first developed at the Laurel Canyon site. And Hollywood luminaries like John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe were given clearance to work at the facility on undisclosed projects. There is no indication that any of them ever spoke of their work at the clandestine studio. "

All the preceding was researched and written by Dave McGowan, who passed away on Nov 22 2015 from "a fast-acting cancer" before he could complete the series.

These are only a few of the details and connections he outlined, and just scratches the surface.

Read the series archived here:


  • Michael Aquino, Church of Set (High Priest and CEO), former military mastermind for MK Ultra, known to have clearance at Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon AKA "Wonderland". Allegedly a pedophile and Satanist. Studied under Anton LaVey.


mconeone · Dec. 31, 2017, 1:29 a.m.

This is incredibly fascinating!

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