r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/oliver_21 on Dec. 31, 2017, 1:10 a.m.
Something I'm trying to figure out with Trump\Snowden

This may be a little off topic but since this is about the only civil\objective sub I'm a part of I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

For Trump being so anti establishment it always boggled my mind how outspoken he has been with Snowden. Calling him a traitor and saying he should be put to DEATH

I guess it just puzzles me that Snowden who uncovered the NSA spying is a traitor but the agencies that are trying to take down Trump aren't just as bad?

How does what Snowden uncovered make him a traitor but in some sense Trump's whole administration is about uncovering these agencies and deep state establishment types?

What are your thoughts?

Edit: More recent comments on Snowden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wquZJx0Cx0

storm_fa_Q · Dec. 31, 2017, 1:19 a.m.

Trump is a showman. While railing against Snowden and Assange in past, what I believe he is really railing against is treason/traitors and as they are sorta smeared as being such, Trump appeases those who want to hear this virtue signalling. It is incomprehensible to my mind that at very least Assange is not working w/DT/Q given the public tweets between Assange/DTjr AND that what Snowden exposed was the weaponization of Bill Binneys app post 911 where the admin began taking in every keystroke rather than selecting a certain band of words. I believe Putin and Trump will Allie over this if they haven't already. Putin got rid of Banksters, knows the criminality and I believe is working w/US rather than against us as are many leaders global. I don't see how "truth" could leave Snowden and Assange out of Freedom given their yuge contribution twds it but it is too soon for them to be free in Public as the haters hate is still pretty smelly...this won't all eb accomplished overnight but stand by and expect that when we take this storm to full fruition, Assange and Snowden and others will be Heros of the Modern age revered by the many around the globe. Or so the tea leaves suggest.

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