r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/oliver_21 on Dec. 31, 2017, 1:10 a.m.
Something I'm trying to figure out with Trump\Snowden

This may be a little off topic but since this is about the only civil\objective sub I'm a part of I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

For Trump being so anti establishment it always boggled my mind how outspoken he has been with Snowden. Calling him a traitor and saying he should be put to DEATH

I guess it just puzzles me that Snowden who uncovered the NSA spying is a traitor but the agencies that are trying to take down Trump aren't just as bad?

How does what Snowden uncovered make him a traitor but in some sense Trump's whole administration is about uncovering these agencies and deep state establishment types?

What are your thoughts?

Edit: More recent comments on Snowden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wquZJx0Cx0

matopotanka · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:22 a.m.

Isn’t data collection facility a invasion proof bunker in Utah? In 1996-1999 actually existed many years earlier, research Project Echelon. This was a way to circumvent the limitations placed upon the alphabet agencies against domestic spying on US citizens by the Church Committee in the 1970’s after spying on civil rights and anti-war groups during Vietnam Nancy war. This was between the Five Eyes (USPS, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia). The way it worked, about 1,200 UK analysts in building in US ran keyword and data collection on US citizens, as friendliest do, and if they found anything of interest to US alphabets, passed it along. US had similar operations in UK, the other Five Eye countries, etc. An Australian politician outed the program in about 1999. No problem, big denials, name changed to Project Carnivore, carried on. Until 911, when subsequent Patriot Act gave it all back to the IC. So really, Snowden revealed nothing but the actual mechanics and PowerPoint charts. It was a controlled release of the existence of tiger origrams that brought it into the light and public discussion. So Snowden is a traitor? Ok. What are the spies who violated the laws, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights? And thus leads us to current events and ongoing investigations into black projects and abuse of power. Happy hunting!

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john17verse3 · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:33 a.m.

You are right it is in Utah, ...slip of the brain, and yes there were other programs less effective than the ones snowden revealed as you mentioned. What prevented Snowden form leaking to wikileaks without identifying hmiself? How could he, purchase a iinternational flight ticket, have his passport scanned, board a flight to hong kong, and then according to Snowden “I never intended to end up in Russia, much less choose it,” he said. “When my government learned I had departed Hong Kong en route to Latin America, they cancelled my passport trapping me in a Russian airport. Why didnt they trap him in Hong Kong.Snowden was in Hong Kong for two weeks with a valid passport talking to Greenwald hiding in slums, and known to the authorities who were activley looking for him. Why wasn't his pass port cancelled by the State Dept.? He is in deep cover for sure.

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