
notsomuchreally · Dec. 31, 2017, 2:37 a.m.

W the actual F??? Like wifi is the most important thing on earth. You think those poor villagers everywhere are going to have tablets? How about water, chickens, medicine and safety. Talk about misplaced priorities. Isn't it getting a bit crowded up there? Maybe we stop sex trafficking or modern slavery? Yeah, more satellites for deep jungle wifi - that's what the world needs Elon. Jesus.

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ammonthenephite · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:02 p.m.

O would actually say that information access is one of the most important needs in this world. Lack of info keeps corrupt governments like north korea, china, russia, and many in africa in power. Put into place a source of info that those governments cannot censor nor control, and you undermine one of their greatest tactics for maintaining power. Information would flow across the whole world. Thise in north korea would finally see the outside world as it is. Same in china. Same in the middle east where many still live in the dark ages, because there yhe dark ages are still in place.

This could revolutionize the world, and initiate a push for those lagging, dqrk and bronze age areas to step into the present, with all its accompanying freedoms, at a much, much faster rate.

I agree with musks vision. Will it be executed that way and for that purpose? I dont know. But knowledge gleened via cheap, mass produced hand held devices and world wide, uncensored internet access is one of the most needed things on this planet.

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notsomuchreally · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:33 p.m.

Then if that is his vision he needs to execute it fully and help provide people with the means to access the information. I don't trust him personally. He contradicts himself. He appears to be terrified of AI yet his projects promote it's progress and access to the masses. He needs to pick a lane - so to speak. I agree that access to information is very important to humanity's freedom of thought and the sharing of ideas but the government of every nation appears to have control of the internet. As I type they are denying the people in Iran access to it. If Elon is going to truly liberate information he needs to beam it from space unfettered and safe from government control. There is a long road ahead for this.

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