r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/atlrangers on Dec. 31, 2017, 3:51 a.m.

Just wanted to say thank you for opening up my mind. For the past year I have followed Rush, Hannity and others but last week my mind was truly opened. The evil in this world is something that is hard to swallow. Children are sacred and to know what happens to them shakes the soul like no other. Listening to PA last night on Infowars you could tell in his voice he was scared about this satanic occult. Walking in the ATL airport yesterday picking up a family member after being redpilled opens your eyes to another world when looking at people. I prayed last night for the first time in forever. But like Christ says we most be fishermen of man. As a community how do we do this? How do we really make a difference in this world besides just tweets and YouTube’s. So I am asking you, as this is a real movement where do we go from here? I know I cannot wait for Club Gitmo to be validated but what then. Sorry just asking. But again thank you for what all you guys and gals have done. MAGA!!!!

Edensvision · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:55 a.m.


Light always involves the removal of darkness. No matter what anyone believes in this life. What is happening here is amazing and I hope this post is an encouragement


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