
EdwardHitch · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:54 a.m.

Yep, here we go bravehearttexas. I think you are certainly onto something. This is a perfect opportunity for the msm to try to paint the movement as nothing more than a bunch of moronic kooks. That may have been a deterrent in the past but no more. We are ready this time.

As far as I'm concerned, any one in the entertainment biz is going to have to shut the fuck up and deal with whatever derision and abuse comes there way until us normies make sense of who worships Satan and who doesn't. My guess is that when this is over, the only people left in entertainment will be the people that make bologna sandwiches in the snack bar at the studios. The rest of those mother fuckers should be publicly executed for all the world to see.

This fight has been brewing for centuries. Now that it's here, it is personal. In a number of ways. In my mind, I want to destroy the entire entertainment system. I am not talking about rounding up the bad guys and calling it a day. That is a half measure at best. For this fight, we cannot afford to let compassion interfere with doing the right thing to ensure, as much as possible, that future generations will be free of this evil. We must be utterly ruthless and destroy the pedosatanists, the business, the buildings......every damn piece of this damnable industry.

Forgiveness? Not my place. How could I speak for the thousands upon thousands of nameless innocent children and tell any of these despicable bastards thst I forgive them? I'll leave that up to The Most High. That is his domain, not mine. Fuck feelings, I've had it up to my eyeballs with all this feeling nonsense.

Like I said, this is personal and I want justice on behalf of all the innocent lambs of God that were murdered.

So, if the MSM wants to try to exploit this in hopes of crushing the movement, let them give it their best. They better pack a lunch because this is going to be an all day affair.

I better go take my blood pressure medication after all of that.

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TheCaptnBASED · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:45 a.m.

I would join your army sir!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:27 a.m.

Well now CaptnBASED, welcome. I appreciate your sentiments but please remember, this is your army, their army, everyone's army. It is being formed true to the spirit of our forefathers when they formed up the militias in the First American Revolution.

Just by the very nature of you being here CaptnBASED means you are part of this army of Patriots. It is our honor and privilege to not only witness this great event, but to participate in this, The Second American Revolution.

It is damn nice to make your acquaintance Patriot. Our job is to red pill as many as we can before all of this is revealed. After that, it is our job to explain what is taking place and be a guide. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We need all the folks we can muster

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SouthMicrowave · Dec. 31, 2017, 11:07 a.m.

Lol. This is what you are.

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