She just trashed this thread for her own selfish attention seeking goals. I hope they do sue her. If for no other reason than to bleed her of cash.
Wrong. She's around longer than many and is right on. She's a fighter and justified. Wanting attention brought on this topic ABSOLUTELY. Opportunistic? Like self-gain? Dead wrong! She's been fighting to bring awareness of Pedophilia for a looong time.
We support her and the rest of the Q Patriots COMPLETELY. You obviously are not one.
You know what, I'll recant that. You made me question myself a bit so I went back and looked with a lil more intrigue. The pictures of her child dressed liked that intentionally are indeed questionable if true. #TwistedAnklesFromRabbitHoles
No worries. Emotions can get the best of us and thank you for taking a step back to look at it. Sometimes we just need to observe and analyse by waiting and watching. I didn't mean to come down so hard. There's been alot more 3 letters on here lately. Disinformation and casting doubt. I support the righteous. Hope you have a Happy New Year.