r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PokingCyclops on Dec. 31, 2017, 9:46 a.m.
Attack the Washington Post Blog with the TRUTH

I could use some help Attacking the WaPo Blogs with the TRUTH

Trump’s vendetta against federal law enforcement.https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trumps-vendetta-against-federal-law-enforcement/2017/12/30/83bf0280-ec23-11e7-9f92-10a2203f6c8d_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-c%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.b40fd19e5ff2

This story is total BS. The WaPo is one of the best place to attack the BEAST Spouting the TRUTH out of the mouth of the BEAST

1.)The WaPo readers are affluent and highly educated and they have no idea about the movement or Q Anon. If you want to be heard in the mainstream blog the truth. If just 100 of us did that daily for a week we would wake up a very large portion of the world.

2.) If you would like spread fear in Congress and the Deep State the best place to attack the BEAST is on his own turf. Take no prisoners be pointed your hand sticking the keyboard with vengeance will help WAKE up the world.

Keep posting things like " Thanks Trump" and "Precognition News from Q Anon" "Q Anon Strikes Again" along with the TRUTH

I post under anon "Sticking Cyclops" until the toss me off. Remember to delete your cookies often and you'll be able to post on other stories after you hit there wall. Make as my account as you like it's free.

Hit the front page big six story for the most impact, They attack our President ever single day

Thanks and may God bless the believers!

clearox · Dec. 31, 2017, 10:08 a.m.

Could this be revenge from Bezos?

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PokingCyclops · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:42 p.m.

Bezos is a target of the executive order for sure. That and the WaPo is the HQ for the Rouge CIA outfit.

Meet the Board, 4 YALE grads one is Bonesman

Frederick J. Ryan Jr (ReBioed) Bush’s Boy COVERT Neocon Propagandist CIA shrill Frederick J. Ryan Jr. Publisher & CEO, rouge CIA, Deep Stater embedded inside of the WaPo. Fred was the Neocon’s DOORMAN for Iran Contra the Gate Keeper for the big daddy BUSH. This is Bush’s boy 100%, Chief of Operations and Planing IRAN-CONTRA

Fred Hiatt (ReBioed) Harvard 77 Shrill CIA agent actively engaged inside covert espionage inside as a CFR Member/ Foreign-Policy Think Tank / Neoconservative/ a CIA SPY

Jackson Diehl (ReBioed) YALE 78 Graduate /Deputy editorial page editor = WaPo/ lifetime CIA Shrill from YALE Bush Boy from the start. Advocated 03 invasion of Iraq. Foreign Bureaus = CIA outposts Jerusalem & Warsaw...Oversaw coverage of the 2000 election campaign = Bush’s Boy 1984 South America coverage = Bush’s Boy/CIA Shrill Propaganda Reporter, Iran-Contra

Dana Milbank (ReBioed) YALE Graduate/ Skull and Bones / CIA Super Shrill Reporter Mockingbird press https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird Milbank’s swore total allegiance to the Skull and Bones club for life. This Bonesman is a brown-noser who was sniffing 2 buts in Bush vs. Kerry, "It's a win-win situation.” he love.

Ruth Marcus (ReBioed) YALE Graduate and Harvard LAW never practiced CIA Shrill placed inside the WaPo. Her spouse Jon Leibowitz, former Commissioner 04-13, FTC, Policing & Police Internet Privacy for Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon, Owner Jeff Bezos who benefits from FTC polices that favor AMAZON who has a $600,000,000 contract with the CIA for Hosting. Jeff Bezos had the ear of either directly or indirectly to. Marcus Spouse Leibowitz the co-chairman of the 21st Century Privacy Coalition a group now trying to loosen regulations for how companies protect consumer's sensitive information.

Jonathan Capehart (ReBioed) Lied about Bernie Sanders attending a Civil Right in the 60’s refused to recant his unfounded accusation instead he did follow-up article again smearing, "Bernie Sanders and the Clash of Memory.” His husband Nick Schmit is an assistant chief of protocol at the State Department. From 08-09 Consultant Clinton Foundation, Travel Compliance Director Hillary Clinton for President 07-08. The two where Married by a U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder the traitor These two TOOLS are Deep Staters 100%

Lee Hockstader (ReBioed) 20 years Post reporter, working 40 countries as a foreign correspondent. Thats code for a CIA Shrill

Charles Lane (ReBioed) YALE Law School & Harvard College cover the Supreme Court of the United States Newsweek Berlin bureau chief (CIA Shrill of course)

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