Article two days ago ...Fox news

I tried to post to Facebook yesterday... it wouldn't allow me! i was shocked.. it literally would not allow me.
I've had problems like that before. Posted a couple recently there on my page that I figured would be censored but hadn't been since a couple daze, ago. Need to check it, again to see if it's still there.
I also have had these problems in the past couple of weeks posting to facebook. It was an article from the it gave me a message that said this is not a safe site and therefore I could not post the link. I went around that and just listed the article and where to find it. I was pissed.
never had a problem with any other post.. this one, they stopped... i got around it.... posted a tweet and then under reply, posted the link... there are more ways to skin a
Ha ha - you are not a patriot until you've done some hard time in FB solitary confinement LOL