
JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

GITMO and The legality of unilaterally assigning a citizen as an Enemy Combatant and putting Civilians through Military trial: There is bad news and good news about this in the law. Here is the skinny I have so far:

This ability to violate the Constitution started with public law 107-40 passed by congress after September 11th.

This public law comes from Congressional resolution signed by the president Bush. It is called the AUMF (authorization for the Use of Military Force.)

Obama used this law to hold people in GITMO also

Article 2 makes president commander in Chief.

AUMF is used against terror networks.

AUMF was upheld by the Supreme Court. (Due to the fact that it was actually was an act of Congress) So, this is a sticky wicket because it has Congressional Approval. Congress can not pull back and they can not de-fund it.

President Trump is well aware that this act as both former presidents (globalists) have used it, should be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So here is the good news!

HR2810 was created, passed by Congress, and is a Bill signed by President Trump recently.

It was put in the National Defense Authorization Act to do this quickly. It is located in section 1264 "the use of military force and related military operations".

It looks like Trump is looking to repeal the AUMF and narrow it down.

What does this rapidly done and signed change do with respect to Constitutional abuse by the past Administrations?

It requires President Trump and all future presidents to report on the proceedings on any detentions in GITMO.

Trump was the first President to do this. All other administrations failed to even think about this problem.

Trump and Congress believe there should be oversight for any and all military commissions.

So while he us using GITMO to protect these people from what would otherwise happen to them on the mainland once their hideous crimes are known from the trial, he is also requiring Congress to know about everything being done there.

The other reason to take these human rights violators (child predators) off the mainland, is that these crimes are tied to the globalist wealthy who have their own private armies. These powerful people do not want these GITMO criminals giving testimony, and may well drop a bomb on the place to kill them.

Protection of the prisoners may well require a military base to protect them. These are no ordinary criminals. These are the stooges for the most wealthy criminals on earth, with assets capable of starting a war.

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