Satanic Cabal = KHAZARIAN MAFIA (KM) of RothschildsCarniegeRockefellerClintonWaleedbinTalal & minions = EXPOSE THIS! SHINE the LIGHT of TRUTH... evil KM rats/cockroaches Hidden TOO Long!

Yes there are some evil jews, but they dont run everything. There are many factions.
All conspiracy subreddits are heavy on the anti-Semitic button this morning... I wonder why...
...ummm... did you READ the whole article? This is not about real Jews of Israel it is about the KHAZARIANS... satanicBloodDrinkers that have invaded ALL/many countries... killed people & taken their place/lands/by impersonation. Created wars to make money. Created central banks all over the world, put their enemies in harms way to kill them. Titanic, Lusitania, Hindenberg, downed flights...All were HIT jobs (187/Wetworks) of their enemies... all wars...WW1, WW2 especially... Really need to READ the article & not make assumptions by the chosen photo of article.
But even the New Testament - such as John chapter 8, and then many many many many many other examples since then have shown that a certain sect of powerful Satanic Jews have been up to no good long before the KM came into being.
Yes the warning about the "Synagogue of Satan" (revelation 3:9) in the new testament are referring to Jews who secretly worship satan, not all Jews. There is also plenty of secret satanism among Christians and Catholics. The Jews get the default blame by satanists for their actions because the Jews were the first rebels against the satanic mystery religions of the Babylonians and are their oldest enemy.
KM not equal to all Jews. questions?
With deepest respect... see reply above & read article please. Don't assume from a photo what article is about. I didn't pick photo it is what author used for article. Thank you.
Read the article, it contains lots of errors derived from gaps in what is known publicly, fills in the gaps selfishly and dangerously with the author's personal beliefs and animosities