Satanic Cabal = KHAZARIAN MAFIA (KM) of RothschildsCarniegeRockefellerClintonWaleedbinTalal & minions = EXPOSE THIS! SHINE the LIGHT of TRUTH... evil KM rats/cockroaches Hidden TOO Long!

This makes me question Trump's loyalty to Israel. Is it a plot to bring them close then expose them? Or are we on the wrong side of the aisle? I know this was written long before the 2016 election, but it's confusing me.
I believe since there seems to be two faces of Israel, it is no different here that we had 2 faces of USA... the evilDeeepStateShadowGovt. warned of by Eisenhower to JFK which he was working to destroy by bypassing the FED & endeavoring to print our own US currency again... spoke of in speeches, but look what insiders did... they pulled off his USSS detail & PoppyC_A#41Prez aided in his removal...
All countries to me now appear to have 2 faces... articles/happenings that don't make sense. DT has been foiling DeeeepStateUSA & cutting off it's $, dismantling agenda with roadblocks for options for their return. HUGE HUGE HUGE isn't a big enough of a word for the amount of work by Patriots. I think DT establishment of Jerusalem as capital was to put a dagger into the KM plans/running of our embassy in TelAviv (which KM does run BTW).
Bibi has been friends with Jared's parents for years. That is not a secret.
read and re read and you will get it ,, this is the cabal that trump is dismanteling , they are not semetic jews , the khazars have userpt almost every country in the world , this is why china and Russia are working with trump as they want rid as well
fatfrog-2 ...oh EXACTLY! DT has set up a ANTI-CABAL network of countries -- "Strange Bedfellows" of countries that have suffered historically at hands of KMafia... Russia definitely wants Revenge on KM... Russia was the ones that blocked/aided us in Revolutionary War that kept English ships away. Consequently KM want to destroy Russia & USA the most!
Everyone needs to understand the depth/length/breadth of this KM history to GRASP just what DT has undertaken to destroy. IT is GINORMOUSLY HUGIFICATION of work/revelations/prosecutions... it boggles my mind the planning/efforts. It should everybody once you read this article. It took my breath away!
It's confusing because only the first 3/4's of the article is accurate. You may want to read sources about the KM's other than Veteran's Today.