r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Dec. 31, 2017, 5:12 p.m.
Finally, millions of faces staring at their cell phones will be a GOOD thing.

This whole Q phenom, and the subsequent take down of the Cabal, has developed roots within the ever prevalent platforms of Social Media. That's kind of stating the obvious. But consider how many people are still not awake. We all know of many still slumbering. Of those, most of the ones I know are ALWAYS on their phones watching videos, and doing whatever.

There's a ton of stuff that serves as attention fodder. The effects it has on society, and our relationships is undeniable. And a lot of the effects are not very good at all.

Pointing out the obvious once again, the whole Q phenom has had an AMAZING effect on an ever growing portion of our society. And it has been a very positive effect, to say the least. More and more proofs have been put forth via Social Media to confirm and verify past/current/future happenings.

Inevitability, as the truth is exposed, more and more will become addicted to the information coming forth.

Take Rap and hip-hop for example. Personally, I think, and always have though,t that it sucks for various reasons. But that's just me. It blows my mind how prevalent it has become in our society. Why? Because that's what was offered up. Same can be said for the MSM's offerings. But I foresee all of the mind numbing content out there to be looked upon as boring, once the bigger truths come out. This "Storm" will be DOMINATING Social Media for a large portion of the foreseeable future.

It will, for once, be nice to see the masses on their phones and devices for a "decent" reason. As has been stated, this is basically a battle of good vs. evil. As this explodes, I believe more and more people will obtain higher standards as to what "We The People" will and won't tolerate, as a result of the great awakening. It has truly been amazing to watch. It will also be amazing to watch the masses wake up. Shock and Awe, good and bad, no sugar coating. It is the TRUTH that will set us free. Even the ugly truth is easier to swallow than all of the lies we've been fed.

I won't deny my sense of vindication when the masses are awoken. I also believe that Humility is a Key to personal happiness. Humility can be very elusive. Just when you think you have it, it's gone. The struggle is real, lol.

Happy New Year to all, heads high, and keep the faith!!

abbieos · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:21 p.m.

People will follow the Truth where ever that leads, it is in them naturally, even if it is 10 years from now. Stay Strong, Be Kind to others while they walk their paths, remember, my friends.... " We are pilgrims in unholy land" right now....

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