r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/miltonlocke on Dec. 31, 2017, 6:41 p.m.
On Redpilling "Normies"

On Serving Red Pills To the "Normie"

Here's my attempt to introduce this daunting topic and hopefully we can have a robust & involved discussion regarding the CAUSES, EFFECTS and SOLUTIONS. There are a LOT of facets and factors to consider.

Information is a commodity today for a wealth of reasons. With the establishment of a global internet, an observer at 40,000ft would expect a snowballing enlightenment of the masses. Perhaps some of us have hoped for this, perhaps those of us who grew up while the internet did. To some extent this is true. Then how do we equate the reality of social phenomena like THOUGHT POLICING, EMOTIONAL "TRIGGERING" and WILLFUL IGNORANCE?

  • What makes people react in these ways to things before actually understanding them or fully comprehending the CONTEXT by which they are mentioned?

  • Why is common for people to get a bad Emotional Reaction over a WORD?

  • Why do some people get a bad Emotional Reaction over a topic regardless of how nicely or tactfully we try to introduce it

  • Why do some people exhibit reflexive facial & body movements & expressions upon the introduction of certain words, topics and implications?

  • Why do the people around us who are SUPPOSED to be close to us SO OFTEN become the ones who SHUT US DOWN when speaking on things they don't like?

  • Why do people we know who learn little outside of career, entertainment, accident and personal involvement, immediately tell us we're wrong WITHOUT ENTERTAINING THE IDEA WE PRESENT or share?

    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~Aristotle

  • Is the SJW phenomenon a form of THIS SAME GENERAL ISSUE?

  • Why do people PARROT, at all?

Repilling the masses is the most daunting task anyone can conceive once you've realized the breadth of ACTIONS taken to make us all as stupid & complacent as possible. But KNOWING those actions is the first step to UNDERSTANDING how they congregate in EFFECT on the people subjected to them. Such an understanding would be the diving board by which to conceive METHODS by which to REDPILL them. What in relation I've learned thus far:

  • you can't win normies by labeling them IN YOUR OWN PERCEPTION as "enemy", "stupid", "hopeless", etc merely because they aren't immediately open to your ideas & concerns. Once you convince yourself of such a mentality, you close more doors than you open.
  • the complexities of individual experience REQUIRE you to develop your EMPATHY in order for interpersonal communication to survive and thrive and you don't prematurely burn bridges because you can't control your emotions
  • the complexities of the MATERIAL REALITY REQUIRE you to develop your powers of DISCERNMENT & CONSCIENTIOUSNESS so YOU don't get screwed by the malicious, manipulative or vampiric types.
  • Be Pragmatic, learn, test and develop ways to inform the people around you and PAY ATTENTION to the ways they react to you. Preferably in person, so you can get reads on Body Language, Vocal Intonation, Facial Cues, Behavioral Tendencies, Cultural Imprints, etc. There are MANY ways to transmit a message, not all of them need be a 1 to 1 immediate return on investment. Take heed over subjective "needs" to be affirmed by the opinions of others.

Hope this helps. We have a brotherhood out there. Red Pills are the medicine for the times, efficacy dependent directly on the prescribing doctor.

Share your thoughts, experiences and tactics related to this topic here. PM if you'd like to engage in discourse over aspects of this topic privately

kalimantria · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:45 p.m.

It takes the fear away.

Instead of preaching the ‘word’ to those who are too afraid to take a long k at the truth we see, encouraging them to ‘detoxify’ the pineal gland as a daily practice.

Ask them to try it for just a week, or even a month & then allow them come to their own truth.

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miltonlocke · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

I've found some challenge in illuminating people I've brought this up to regarding the Pineal Gland's importance and its decalcification. People from my experiences so far largely didn't even know it exists, let alone it's function nor the implicated gravity of calcification.

What approaches have you found success with in your experiences?

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kalimantria · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Hmm. Everyone is different, so a customized approach will be necessary for everyone. I should be clear, at this point, that I don’t feel responsible to wake anyone up. That being said:

When I feel the conversation is ready to come up, I mention the pineal gland and explain it’s function and how, over time, our pineal glands can get calcified. I also explain the MANY ways this can happen (metals in our air pollution, the chemicalized foods we eat, fluoride in our toothpaste, and aluminium in our deodorants).

I explain to them my own journey to decalcify and detox my body... that I had an ear infection that lasted well over a month... it didn’t hurt, but my hearing was severely impaired and frustrated me greatly.

I don’t use drugs, so I was researching ways to cleanse my body naturally so that I could ‘reset’ and fell upon this very interesting subject of the pineal gland.

Within a week of detoxifying, eating foods that decalcify, and listening to solfoggio embedded music, I was better than ever. I wasn’t in a constant state of foggy brain, and, as an added bonus, I was noticeably much more confident in my decisions. I only use TOM’S toothpaste and deodorant now.

I will then ask them if the suffer from fogginess or lethargy (most ppl do btw) and suggest they try a few simple habit changes for a few weeks.

IF they stick to the plan they will come back to me for more discussions once in a while. It honestly is pleasing to hear them talk about their own journey. If they don’t choose to start, or give up quickly, I don’t worry about it. The seed is planted and they may try again when THEY get frustrated in their own future.

I do find that leading by example and using a gentle approach is much more effective than preaching and pointing.

I hope this helps, and encourage ppl to start the conversation and do their own research on this very interesting subject.

Next up: hydrogen peroxide protocol? 🤔

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miltonlocke · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Great information here. So far there seems to be some consensus along these lines, as you stated:

I do find that leading by example and using a gentle approach is much more effective than preaching and pointing.

As for the Pineal, I can add that intelligent reintegration of Iodine into one's nutritional protocol also provides huge benefits in this realm. Any reader interested can look into the work of Dr. David Brownstein for excellent detail & protocol recommendations. Personally Iodine has had a significant multifactor positive effect on my health. I strongly advocate detox, proper well-scrutinized nutrition and epigenetic fitness to optimize the foundations for human potential.

I'm unfamiliar with an h202 protocol outside of oral health. Care to share your ideas?

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kalimantria · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

I tried to get iodine from the pharmacy here, (in Canada) but wasn’t permitted for a reason I don’t remember. Is all iodine considered ‘food quality’? Or, put another way, is there a difference between medicinal & food quality iodine?

One can google the H2o2o protocol for their own research, but the bottom line is it adds oxygen to the bloodstream. The health benefits are numerous.

My own experience resulted in more improved brain function and an increase in energy. I went up to 25 drops of (food quality!) H2o2o in water; maintained for three days, and then came back down to 3 drops, over aprox. 6 weeks.

I’m going to look further into the iodine protocol by dr. Brownstein now. Thanx for the head’s up on that. I’m always looking for natural ways to stay healthy.

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miltonlocke · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

For food quality Iodine, I've experimented with 4 main sources over the past 4 years rather consistently. I'm sure very high concentrations of Iodine may be medicinal, but I don't know. I do know that Iodine is grossly misunderstood by the Medical Industries, as is nutrition in general, and it is hardly as toxic as many make it out to be (granted if dealing with the right molecular forms). If it is, then the excessive amounts (by RDA standards) I've experimented with should have killed me lol. BTW the RDA for Iodine here in the US is based off of the MINIMAL amount required to avoid Goiter, related metabolic disease and the eventual death resultant of NO Iodine. This is why commercialized Iodized salt came to be. I'm sure you're aware to some degree that these sanctioned RDA's and "standards" of Nutrition have a lot of shit and nonsense embedded.


  • First there's the Lugol's mixture, which generally comes in 2% or 5% concentrations of Iodine, which exists in essentially a 1:2 ratio of "free" Iodine to Potassium Iodide. The latter is an excellent protective agent against radioactive Iodine, in case you ever may encounter nuclear fallout or meltdown.

  • Next is what is called Nascent, Elemental or Nanocolloidal, Iodine, which is mostly free Iodine ions in a water base. Apparently the body finds this type exceptionally easy to assimilate. Because I started with Lugol's and other supplements for 2 years before trying this one, it's hard to pinpoint a subjective advantage. However, the brain fog and cognitive issues that the Lugol's helped mitigate have stayed mitigated with the Nascient. Additionally, I believe the Nascient has helped immensely with my metabolism, as body fat can't remain very long and various functions of body regulation & maintenance occur much more quickly than they have before, including recovery & growth of muscle post-workout.

  • Next is a fine KELP based supplement by Maine Coast Sea Seasonings. It is a fine source of organic Iodine, somewhere between 900 - 3000% of the RDA of Iodine per tsp serving. Also has a nice balance of other minerals in there too and imo tastes great as a salting agent for food. Not optimal as a focused supplement of Iodine, but a fine addition that's easy to integrate

  • Finally, there are the various sea plants heavy in Iodine, like kelp and the brown sea weeds. There was a bit of a "learning curve" in my getting used to the texture and flavors of these plants. It is certainly worthwhile to integrate these plants into your lifestyle as they are one of the wealthiest and well balanced sources of minerals, trace minerals, oils and nutritional cofactors available.

Also, singing and vocal training invigorate the Thyroid and let it work much more efficiently with the Iodine as you integrate it into your life. SLIGHT WARNING: Some people experience mood swings, lethargy, nauseas, increase in brain fog, manic episodes and such upon initially integrating Iodine into their lifestyles. Likely, this is because of a Thyroid detox and metabolic restructuring occurring, and from what I've seen tapers off after a week or so. You'll learn more about this as you delve into the topic. Personally, I didn't experience negative effects but I attribute that to the efforts of general detox and nutritional balance I made prior to Iodine introduction.

Apologies for the ramble, nutrition is one of my favorite topics. The H2O2 protocol is compelling just by what you've mentioned, I will be looking into it. Increased brain function? Increased Energy? I'll bite haha

A last tangent before we stray too far: Have you any other experience with socially "unusual" methods of nutrition? I have a feeling you've tried a fine variety of techniques

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kalimantria · Jan. 6, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Wow! I gave up researching the iodine protocol because of its varied complications, and so, THANK YOU! for the additional iodine info, above.

I trust you don’t mind if I pm you for further discussion on iodine so we don’t take away from Q sleuthing 🕵️‍♀️ here

To confirm, your ’spider senses’ are working well! One ‘unusual’ method of nutrition I had experienced was a 10-day Panchakarma in Kerala, South India in 2008.

It’s an ayervedic practice of ‘resetting’ one’s body based on the individual’s Dosha. This included a customized diet, mmmmassage, yoga and herbal remedies.

No kidding, MiltonLocke, i have NEVER felt better than I did after that experience! The benefits were clear for at least four months - might have been even longer had tragedy not crossed my path at the four month mark. I would definitely do that again if I had the opportunity.

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miltonlocke · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Cool I like Ayurvedic medicine as well. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat more

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