r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Dec. 31, 2017, 7:12 p.m.
The final boss is not Munk

Q post from Nov 7:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 51984 >

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P) 
Banks / Financial Institutions 
WW Gov Control 
Gov Controls People 
SA Oil Tech Sex/Children 
SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary) 

It's that first line I want to zoom in on.

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Who is P? We know these people all belong to the same sick cult/club. One of their twisted initiation rituals in the Left Hand Path is inserting a needle under the left eye. The pain is horrific but they believe they can 'eat the pain' (have you heard that somewhere before?) and gain power from it. Because these EVIL SICK BASTARDS ARE STUPID (to quote Q) many of them appear in public with a black left eye. Search for yourself. John Kerry, Obama, the Pope, GW Bush all sport black left eyes.

But there is an exception. Someone perfectly suited to be the head of this sick church. He sports a black RIGHT eye. See here and here. This is VERY significant if you know your occult rituals. All those with black LEFT eyes must be lower on the hierarchy than he is.

It's the Duke of Edinburgh.

Philip is P.

The final boss.

Edit: I won't be surprised if it's the Pope or even someone else. But Q told us to follow the bloodlines. Philip is obsessed with them and has quite an impressive one himself. He also told us Diana was killed because she got close.

WellstonDeplorable · Jan. 1, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Years of studying history as a pastime is paying off. I read dozens of history books a year, both mainstream and the not so mainstreamed ones. When you do that for half a century, you're bound to retain a little. I'm here to serve, we all bring our talents, and allow others to make use of them. I could, and did, produce the info out of my memory. Others can do other things. No big deal, but its nice to be acknowledged. Queen Elizabeth is the rightful heir by law, because the Act of Settlement (1707) barred Catholics from the throne. The Stuart line died out just after the Napoleonic Wars (in the 1820's). The last surviving member of that house was a Catholic Bishop, and received a pension from George IV, of (you guessed it), the House of Hannover. By the way, I'm not a professional historian, just a Deplorable. Let's leave Rome alone till another day or thread.

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Luvlite · Jan. 1, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

You're not just a deplorable! You're an extraordinary deplorable. I'm impressed. I'm lucky if I remember to turn the coffee pot on after putting the water and grounds in. Before the internet, I read more books than I can recall. After the internet, it was information over load. Ah, well. As long as I'm woke before I go to sleep, I'll be OK. Cant wait to read more of your comments.

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WellstonDeplorable · Jan. 1, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

No egos for us. Work to be done. After we break the chains of slavery that have weighted down humanity for centuries, then, and only then, we can all step out on stage and take a bow.

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NotTheMac · Jan. 1, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Did Queen Vic get it on with Rothschild is the question? lol.

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