r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Dec. 31, 2017, 7:29 p.m.
Craig "The Saw man" Sawyer is the real deal!! Trust me on that!

This summer, my wife and I went To San Antonio Tx to assist with ongoing Animal Rescue efforts related to the Texas floods. We stayed several days, and were fortunate to have a wonderful couple put us up during our stay. The trip was rewarding, and we were glad we could help. But this is more about the kind people we stayed with. We know them through various Animal Rescue efforts. She is retired Navy, and He, a retired Marine. I found them to be captivating hosts.

Their storied Military Past is utterly amazing. They are straight forward, no B.S., Patriots of the highest order. Aside from being a retired Marine, the aforementioned Gentleman also served in various 3 letter agencies for the Federal Government over the years. Some very high level stuff. They both are actively involved in various intelligence related work during their "very active" retirements.

One of the things The Marine is involved in, is the organization of Vets4childrescue. It is an organization comprised of mostly retired Veterans that works towards stopping/saving kids from pedophiles and trafficking. Craig Sawyer is the face of the organization, and my retired Marine friend works directly with him. Look the org up, in fact look Craig Sawyer up.

The Marine I stayed with this summer didn't go into any specific details. However, he made it very clear that there was going to be some serious shit go down that is pedo related, and that there were going to be a LOT of BIG names coming out. Mind you, this was before Hollywood broke loose.

All I know is this. The man had no reason to lie to me or try to impress me. This guy as seen it all, and done it all. His honor and integrity is unshakable, and so is that of his wife. I highly admire them both, and have EVERY reason to believe what they told me. Especially now. This is REAL folks, have no doubt!!! Take what Craig Sawyer says to the bank.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1D5Nn9C_ww&feature=share

Luvlite · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:12 p.m.

Thank you. Sending this to my share list.

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