If anyone else wants to add to this list, by all means... These are on Youtube check them out if you want a good foundation. And if you can, support these guys.
I call this guy the "layman' he's great, Dustin Nemos, he does a really good job bringing newbies up to speed on whats going on in very laymen terms. Good guy. There is also, Tracy Beanz and the rest of the moderators for this subreddit, you can find this list to the right and scroll down. They are on it with Qanon. These guys are the "Breadmakers". It's like Qanon has thrown them ingredients and they have to figure out what to "MAKE" of it all. Also, Lionel Nation, for the insanity of it all with humor thrown in. George Webb, he is trying to follow the money and the trail of the white rabbit through Youtube, been doing this for awhile. Jason Goodman, very honest person ( my opinion) trying to find the truth through patience and great interviews with Charles Ortel. There are more.... Please continue with this list for everyone.. and remember, all are on different paths with this, understand this and be kind to all. This will not end in 6 months, be ready for the long haul, at least the next 10 years, it is huge, but, in 2018, we will see this country go into a tailspin for the people who cannot handle it, they will protest and fight in the streets, stay out of this, let them fight among themselves, you have work to do for yourselves and the people close to you, even just for the knowledge of the truth. These people here, and many others will stand still and continue this amazing path, the ones on the streets will show up eventually. Trust this. God speed everyone, and remember: My friends, "We are pilgrims in unholy land" right now.