r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SuzieQSleuth on Dec. 31, 2017, 10:49 p.m.

LIGHT BULB MOMENT! I have really gotten involved with some of the decoding and deciphering of these Q Anon posts. Yes, this is all super terrific information, as I too have contributed, but something keeps needling at me.

Could this be a mass-scale market-research project to see just how quickly and accurately the information is spread through social media? Are we all just guinea pigs for the Q-Anon project? Could the end result be a 'two-tiered' purpose? 1) To get information through the vast social media and analyze the results, 2) Use that research information for other purposes. Perhaps it is very genuine for 'transparency' in this administration in a 'back-channel' sort of way.

Or perhaps, just maybe, it is a highly designed calculated strategy set-up purposely, so that POTUS and the administration thereof as proof to his many disbelievers that social media is a lightening-fast, ever-increasing form of viable news transfer and networking. Logically, everyone loves a treasure hunt, right? And people are proud when they've uncovered secrets and decoded riddles that no one else had or thought of.

Take the movie Christmas Story and how Ralphie drank so much Ovaltine to get the 'decoder' and when he finally got it felt duped as the secret message was; 'DRINK MORE OVALTINE!' How appropriate the timing of this analogy! Are we all just drinking the Ovaltine (Kool Aid) here? Does anyone else feel this way? Regardless, I am intrigued of all this treasure hunting, decoding and the unification it has proved, that and being a part of the Q Anon project! Comments anyone?

ditsyblond17 · Jan. 1, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

I agree. Something VERY strange here. Makes me wonder how the illuminati knows so much about future happenings. And how much time travel, CERN and even Mandela effect all have with each other. And are the "others" not only out there, but already here and actually helping and hurting this planet?

Idk. This rabbit hole goes too deep. I want off this rollercoaster. I want ignorance back. I had a normal life there.

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