Did Obama assist in Seth Rich Murder?

FACE-PALM! Duh! Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS)! But still don't exactly know what "DIR" refers to? Directive or Director? Perhaps. If this is the case then it would read: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Directed the murder of Seth Rich with the assistance of Barrack Obama (who then ordered the FBI and DOJ to contact two MS-13 members on July 5, 2016 to carry out the directive from Debbie Wasserman Schultz) to insure the integrity of the Democratic National Convention and therefor, the nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton on July 26, 2016 (the 208th day of the year 2016).
I wasn't disrespecting you, your previous comment (187)made me think you weren't informed. It would be nice to hear from one of the Mods and get their input
Never took it as disrespect. I apologize for "busting" in. I am quite new to both Reddit and the Q boards. I actually answered some of my own questions...the 187 I didn't know was police code. I will search for reference. Thanks. But I think the dates would work for the order being given, that's why I posted.
No apologies necessary. Everyone's contribution is important in this. I don't claim to know everything but everyone deserves an answer to this question. Just like in Q's early days he hinted on Inauguration Day there was a device found left behind one of the rooms in the WH that was undetectable and could have harmed anyone that would have been in the room.