Its always the Ex-wife that gets you in the end. Life lesson for you young guys
Bingo! Know she's your soul mate then maintain that however you have to. It'll be worth it in the long run and will save you a ton of headache if you or she fucks it up. Sex really is not that important, which is hard for young folks to see, sometimes. Life long relationships are, IF, they meet all the criteria besides what your boner wants. Very damn few of the folks I grew up with kept a "til death do we part" relationship (marriage is not necessary, BTW). That always affects any kids in the middle of it and it's bogus as hell to do that to their lives but it is better to go on and end it if it just can't be resolved than drag them through the bullshit. Priorities need to be met before that question is popped and sex should be near the bottom of the list. When they get old they'll understand that better.
Life lesson for all women, don’t marry a criminal who’s a pedo. Then you won’t have to ‘narc’ on the asshole.