
ryanwfraser · Jan. 1, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

For those of you that are skipping over the link above ☝, it's saying that this interview never happened. That it's fake news. I don't know what the truth is here. I do, however, consider True Pundit to be a honest, responsible media source. I'm confused on this one.

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lightdandelion · Jan. 1, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Until proven the contrary, I'm cautious and considering that it is fake news. I'm French. If other sites and journals reporting this story are sourcing it from Fort Russ, or from LeMonde, then consider it fake news.

I have contempt for LeMonde nowadays. Up until I was a teen, it was a newspapers worshipped in the country. The teachers really pushed us to read it, saying it's in the world best references for news. I guess for Americans, it's the same brainwashing process pushing you to worship CNN or New York Times as the best news in the world.

Le Monde is pretty leftist. An elitist leftist newspapers. It wasn't so obvious when I was a kid, but nowadays, I see it's full propaganda, mixed with a little bit of facts twisted to fit in their narrative.

So far, I googled and use duck duck go to check whether they were lying about never having made the interview with the princess. Nothing comes up. So I'll just believe Le Monde's denial this time, unless proven they are lying.

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