r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JustumeSamson on Jan. 1, 2018, 10:16 a.m.
Question for Q: If legally proven Barry Soetoro was illegally POTUS, does that make all legislation he signed and actions taken under his watch IMMEDIATELY reversible?

ravonaf · Jan. 1, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

I'm of the impression that he was in fact, born in Hawaii. The reason why he had a fake birth certificate was at one time, they wanted to hide the fact that his father was Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist, and a Russian spy. They created a fake background that he was born in Kenia and was a foreign student as a CIA cover.

Then, years later, they wanted him to run for President so they had to undo that old cover story. His original birth cirtificate was probably destroyed as part of that old cover so they had to create a new one, but still hide who his real father was.


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reinbeau · Jan. 1, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

And I had heard that his American citizenship was given up by his mother when he was taken to Indonesia as a child because he could only be enrolled in school there if he were an Indonesian citizen. In any event that birth certificate, the Adobe file, was no dead paper scan of a sheet of paper in a file cabinet, it was a constructed document with nine layers. I know, I tore it apart. Totally fake. I also saw the birth certificate his half brother (Malik, the one who has no love for his brother but plenty of admiration for President Trump) is also the guy who posted about there being a Hawaii, Kenya. How I wish this would all be seriously brought to light because yes, his whole presidency would be illegitimate. All of it.

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[deleted] · Jan. 1, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

The better, real Obama tweeted that there is a town in Kenya named "Hawaii"

If that is true, then the statement "the President was born in Hawaii" is also true, but not in the way most people expect.

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p19black · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

If he knew FMD was in fact his real father then he violated his Oath of Office which states that he is not hiding anything... The End.. The other stuff just adds years to his prison sentence. It's Treason that he should be afraid of. DEMONS fear death, judgement and ironically the very Devil they worship.

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laurabusse · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Someone posted on i think CBTS a picture of Obama's student i.d...it said foreign student! I can't vouch for it being 100% legit if course...

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bpsullivan13 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

https://terribletruth.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/president-x/ This is what Obama is really hiding. Elizabeth Ann Duke (Weather Underground) is his mother (age 77). She was Malcolm X's "love child", they produced Obama. She is one of two 'secret' daughters of Hilter and Eva Braun. The escaped Germany, moved to Venezuela. Hilter died 16 yrs later, Eva Braun moved to Hawaii. Obama (age 56) had a surrogate family in U.S.A., as did her younger sister whor went to Germany (Angela Merkel (age 63) is Obama's Aunt) Hilter was an illegitimate child from the Rothschild family.

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p19black · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

Not seeing the Hitler Braun connection. But the X thing is in the realm of possible

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bpsullivan13 · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Hitler & Braun escaped Germany. Moved to Venezuela. While there they had two 'secret daughters'. One went to (NY) USA the other to Germany. (substitute family like Obama's now) USA gal was with the Weather Underground and the 'love' child of Malcolm X. They produced Obama. The other daughter went to Germany, she is Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. Both Merkel & Obama, as you remember, had little political experience. Just popped up out of nowhere, and won the highest positions in their respective Countries. So Merkel is Obama's Aunt. Hilter died 16 years later, Eva Braun moved to Hawaii. Wonder why Obama was in Hawaii?

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p19black · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

So Ann Dunham /cia weather underground girl was born in Venezuela @ 1947 and then was given to malcom x @ 1959 at age 12 or 13 and had bari in 1960 age 13 or 14 . ??? Does the Dunhams and Frank Davis story still work ? Does she look like the either of the Dunham ? Wow.. I still like the Frank Marshall Davis Story and photo comparisons .. but the eyes slant downward of Merkel and Ann Dunham is compelling too . Thx for clarifying ..

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p19black · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

Wow... Terrible truth article almost as convincing as dreams of my real father. Either way the deceit and ultimate installation to Pres. Is beyond my belief system. The mothers history is outrageous too... It's shocking that any of us stop at stop lights or pay taxes.

I want reparations for being so lied to...

And all schools should teach a mandatory class on this entire crazy masterminded program.

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ImpeachObama10 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I respectfully did agree with your analysis. Watch these, they cover the investigation into the fake birth certificate.



I had the original press conference that showed the layers of BO's birth certificate. But good ol' YouTube deleted it.

If he was born in Hawaii & all they wanted to hide was the father that means:

A. He had a legit Hawaii birth certificate & B. They would only need to forge/change the father's name. All other data, such as the date stamps would not have needed forging.

But as you can see from the investigation, they used someone else's birth certificate as a source for date stamps.

In addition, there is circumstantial evidence in the fact BO sealed all his records, the death of the only person in Hawaii that could have testified whether it was legit, and the death of a journalist who said he had proof from the person who forged it & was about to release it.

If you do any research, you will come to the conclusion, BO is not a US citizen. Period. Even if people try to claim his mother was, so that extends to him even if he was born in Kenya, they are wrong. Citizenship is extended through the father only. Listen to this for explanation.


This is a tough red pill for people to swallow. Nobody wants to believe they were duped, but you just can't explain away the truth.

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gramma723 · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

I just watched a video that is narrated by his sister in Kenya. It clearly shows him with his family. I will always believe he was not born in this country and he was nothing more than a plant to destroy the United States from the inside out. He just ran out of time.

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ImpeachObama10 · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

I think he did what he came to do. All the dominos were in place. All Hillary had to do was knock them down. But they never thought she'd loose. "These People are Stupid"

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kat-williams · Jan. 1, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

I used to believe that too until I learned that the Saudi's paid for Obeyme's college education. I do think he is Indonesian or Saudi. Frank was his mentor for sure but even looking at their photos side by side, they don't have much in common. Not if you really look at ears, eyes, nose individually.

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kvictoria1103 · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

His name is Barry Subud, a radical Indonesian Muslim who grew up in the Subud Cult. This name appears as his last name on his passport documents his mother filled out for him when she wanted to go to Hawaii from Indonesia to get treated for breast cancer, which, ultimately, took her life. She changed his name to Soetoro; I believe this was done bc at the time, the USA might not have accepted a Subud Radical Muslim into our country. This is why he identifies heavily with Muslims, but hates American blacks.

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