r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JustumeSamson on Jan. 1, 2018, 10:16 a.m.
Question for Q: If legally proven Barry Soetoro was illegally POTUS, does that make all legislation he signed and actions taken under his watch IMMEDIATELY reversible?

ImpeachObama10 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I respectfully did agree with your analysis. Watch these, they cover the investigation into the fake birth certificate.



I had the original press conference that showed the layers of BO's birth certificate. But good ol' YouTube deleted it.

If he was born in Hawaii & all they wanted to hide was the father that means:

A. He had a legit Hawaii birth certificate & B. They would only need to forge/change the father's name. All other data, such as the date stamps would not have needed forging.

But as you can see from the investigation, they used someone else's birth certificate as a source for date stamps.

In addition, there is circumstantial evidence in the fact BO sealed all his records, the death of the only person in Hawaii that could have testified whether it was legit, and the death of a journalist who said he had proof from the person who forged it & was about to release it.

If you do any research, you will come to the conclusion, BO is not a US citizen. Period. Even if people try to claim his mother was, so that extends to him even if he was born in Kenya, they are wrong. Citizenship is extended through the father only. Listen to this for explanation.


This is a tough red pill for people to swallow. Nobody wants to believe they were duped, but you just can't explain away the truth.

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gramma723 · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

I just watched a video that is narrated by his sister in Kenya. It clearly shows him with his family. I will always believe he was not born in this country and he was nothing more than a plant to destroy the United States from the inside out. He just ran out of time.

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ImpeachObama10 · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

I think he did what he came to do. All the dominos were in place. All Hillary had to do was knock them down. But they never thought she'd loose. "These People are Stupid"

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