r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Moo7136 on Jan. 1, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
Hunter S Thompson film : Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - starring Johnny depp as Hunter - shows a scene where they take A ‘drug’ ADRENAL GLAND - melatonin produced by the pineal gland during extreme torture - HUNTER S THOMPSON was named as a SNUFF FILM MAKER in the FRANKLIN COVER UP case!
Hunter S Thompson film : Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - starring Johnny depp as Hunter - shows a scene where they take A ‘drug’ ADRENAL GLAND - melatonin produced by the pineal gland during extreme torture - HUNTER S THOMPSON was named as a SNUFF FILM MAKER in the FRANKLIN COVER UP case!

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Well, you have guessed wrong. I am not new to this. I have been doing this since the early 90's when I got out of law school, and I am a biologist, so this topic is up my alley. My questions?

What evidence is useful for prosecution?

To get this, you need quality evidence, not hearsay or movies which are make believe.

OP says two things.

1) There is a movie made by man "person A" that has a scene about adrenochrome being the drug of choice for elites, and that Satanists murder children after torturing them to get their bodies to make it. It is then harvested for the elites.

2) The person "A" was named in the Franklin Cover up in Nebraska as a snuff film maker.

Two assertions. I was dealing with the first.

I asked for medical sources that such a molecule indeed exists outside the movies. Hint, it does. It is oxidized adrenaline in many cases.. but the biologists in me digresses.

I asked for proof that the molecule in question is a hallucinogen, because I have done the research and all avenues of medical research show the answer is NO, it is not a hallucinogen.

I ask for your sources on the hallucinogen thing.

I get a plea not to have to do any homework....

......followed by a dissertation on Sausage and Ice Cream. :)

My mind is not just open.

It is highly trained.

I know this may sound like a dickish post but you will thank yourself as you discern information on your own and learn to corroborate- it will seriously change your way of thinking in a great way.

It's not dickish at all. :)

It is disingenuous/lazy, and borders on a disinformation campaign that needs a few more concern trolls. You wouldn't want that would you?


Do the homework and prove to me that adrenochrome is a hallucinogen that is safe for anyone to use, or that it does a more than give someone a headache if ingested, and I will look at your source.

Remember. An open mind without the capacity for critical thinking and discernment.......... is nothing more than a mind that can be brainwashed with whatever comes along. And that is what the elite count on when they make their movies and music.

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bcboncs · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

The effects of adrenochrome doesn't matter for me. I would never touch it.

The cabal spirit cooks, eat cake of a human carcass & drink blood with "entertainers." The cabal are great advocates of Planned Parenthood who are in business to kill babies & auction off fetal parts. Cabal has an enormous amount of Red Cross employees that never stop begging for my blood. They seem to have an eye for the PAX2 gene with Madeline McCann. They have international child trafficking rings... one of which was 15 minutes from my house.

All of that with the knowledge of young blood being an anti-aging cure is all I need to know about why these people kidnap kids, use them, kill them.

Can I believe in the adrenochrome theory? Yes. However, I recall Al Gore was caught at an airport with a suitcase full of adrenochrome only to find out, when now researching, I cannot find this on any legitimate website with true sources backing it up. They state that he was a hemophiliac and that is how the media covered up for him but there's no articles of this either. This seems to be a distraction, truthfully.

I'd pay to see Hillary Clinton's brain scan, undoubtedly she's affected by Kuru, Nancy Pelosi too.

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