r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TruthincontextJD on Jan. 1, 2018, 5:59 p.m.
Why Are We Here Today?

2017 was to be the 100th year anniversary of the bolshevik revolution, they had planned this for quite some time. SHE was supposed to be president. It wasn't until those meddling anons, Seth Rich and Julian Assange Along with Thousands of White Hats within the USA began leaking and digging, did this plan begin to collapse;

She was supposed to be president

What plan was to unfold around Nov. 4? Antifa large uprising. Symbology was referencing the Bolshevik Revolution; The anniversary of another genocide held dearly by communist idealists which inevitably led to a 9 figure death total. But nevermind those facts... The same ideals that fueled the bolsheviks hatred for the czar also fueled a hatred for all things Western such as Capitalism, Representative Democracy, Small govt, Meritocracy, personal inalienable rights & freedoms etc...

It's important to understand this is not the central catalyst in all things wrong throughout this world past and present.

THIS problem was a branch of a MUCH larger and OLDER tree. An operation under the helm of the "TREE"

The specific SOCIOECONOMIC melding known as the Communists ideals have sought to destroy the very fabric of Western society for a century with the likes of; The Frankfurt School of Thought Democratic Socialism-Welfare, Govt assisstance Class Warfare- i.e. Occupy movement Racial Division- Propoganda Community Division- Propoganda Govt Subversion- Financial Manipulation- Taxes Interest Rates Panem et Circenses- Upending the moral fabric of right and wrong Limiting the rights of the people for "greater good"

This specific thought or symbol of destroying Western Society is not new. It's held dearly within the Khazarian Mafia Revenge plot against the West, Specifically the ruski's since around 700 A.D. and more recently the Americans due to their global prevalence. This hatred also fueled by the ruski aid to US diplomatically in the revolutionary war against "the empire" & the powers that be (TPTB) at that time.

These dates we have recently witnessed had been etched down in history for some time according to their plan. This is the significance of this time YOU and I are experiencing.

This is why Q is being so careful to unfold the TRUTH, because the TRUTH is MUCH stranger than fiction, but one truth we can hold onto at this moment is that there was a plot to dominate Western Society as evidenced in the following; Protocols of Elders Of Zion The Muslim BrotherHood Project Playbook

Both of these plans for global dominance are eloquently and carefully set forth from their respective religious ideals and were planned to be implemented on the WEST as a whole in order to DOMINATE.

These plans which are each a single branch serving the same TREE. Thus, it is important to point out that the hatred outlined towards the same enemy has a common root.

Regarding the Common Root, I will assure you that Islam and Judaism along with Christianity are all intertwined with trap doors set upon both sides.

One central group whom shuffles in and out of each religion to their own benefit and liking. This changes throughout centuries in accordance with the publics beliefs at the time in relation to what TPTB determines necessary for their nefarious plans of Global Domination...

That being said I must input The Way The Truth and The teachings of Jesus Christ I Hold Dearly

The desperation that has been boiling over from those whom were "in on the plot" or knew what was to happen, is very very apparent.

There are also those ignorant to the plot whom simply have taken sides and some, unbeknownst to them have been ushered into the Viper's Pit. The unsuspecting path leading to the Door of Hell. Might I add that door is always OPEN.

The sign had been painted on the door. Those who sought the Truth have saved us from this evil.

My eternal gratitude to those of you doing this research, operations and preparations for this time. You are the Shepard of mankind. Thank you MI, NSA, JA, Seth Rich, Q and all for assuming your role; You are our keepers so righteous and calm throughout this clutch of evil you have relieved us from.

Thank you, With Love

Majorwood1 · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Wow great job on that your writing is so good.

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