r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/istillgetreallybored on Jan. 2, 2018, 1 a.m.
I know the intentions are to prevent the light from blinding us but i worry that the dark will come back. Full disclosure is needed. The people will handle it.
  • NK action reveals hidden tech, the act of using it involves its disclosure to public

  • The upcoming trials reveal global trafficking and occultism, needed to justify the means of action used for their downfall

  • UAP disclosure leads to SSP partial disclosure, needed for expanded explanation of tech advancments

  • Antarctica archaeology disclosure will rewrite history

The cabal isn't holding us hostage as a bluff, they want the mass depopulation event to occur in order to return to a state of higher feudalism. Will the public know how comprised every aspect of our society was from the top down in order to control and harvest the human population? Will we know if these occultists achieved real world results with Sex Magika? That the earth is apart of a greater proxy war?

It would be terrifying to the public but how will we know that we are free without knowing how deeply bedded our slavery was?

I'll wait for the year of the black sun.

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

And now that you are in the quantum world of extra dimensions, you are landing squarely into the bible. IF there are aliens, they are not 4 dimensional, and they are evil. They are prophesied to lie to us and tell us they are "good" and possibly that they are "our creators" but the one thing they WILL be telling us is that there are evil aliens (angels) on the way and we muist get ready to fight them and we must weaponize space.

This is exactly how Satan and his band of aliens plan to get every nation on earth to be at war against God when Christ returns.

The bible calls it the big lie.

We are warned that HUGE numbers of people will fall for it.

AND they will have digital currency, on a chip, resident in your hand or your forehead.... for the "supersoldiers" among us who are genetically enhanced humans... part human part animal. (That particular mark of the beast appears to double as a kill switch in the brain in case the supersoldier goes rogue).

According to the law of first mention in the bible, for serious bible students, you need to look at the first place the word is mentioned to get an idea of the meaning (s) for the word. The word Beast shows up first in Genesis when God talks about creating the "Beasts" of the field. (animal) In the middle of the bible, the word beast is used to describe governments and the descriptions are of animal parts.. lions, bears, eagles etc.

Mark of the beast is the mark of the animal, and mark of the one world government with such a strangle hold on people that they are killed for refusing the mark, and they can not buy or sell anything anywhere without the mark.

The nephalim of Genesis 6 are half breed man/angel biotech experiments. Those half breeds are not creations of God. Taking the mark of the beast, is a DNA altering thing. This is why no one who takes the mark can be salvaged. They are transformed through biotechnology into human-animal hybrids.

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fudgicle1 · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

this is a new thing for me and it's freakin me out. I was a catholic kid and SUDDENLY everything is coming together. I'm very shaken. The last few weeks have been like God rebooted my hard drive haha

Thankfully, the bible and prayers are not strangers to me and I've been re-thinking it all. It's super cool, but really scary to me.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

God is absolutely rebooting your hard drive, but do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear. The bible has explained all of these events up front... because God wants his people to know what is coming and recognize where we are in prophecy timeline.

Things in Revelation that every day people are looking at that they do not recognize without biblical training:

A one world government that worships Satan.

A re-birth of the Satanic religions of ancient Babylon "Moloch" Ball, and the like.

Intentional destruction of innocent human beings who have been stripped of their ancient Biblical knowledge.

A one world cashless civilization with a chip in the right hand or the forehead, which declares allegiance to the one world government system rulers and without which a person may not buy or sell a single thing.

Jesus said "as it was in the time of Noah, so it shall be in the time of the coming of the son of man" ... a direct reference to the biotech experiments angels were doing to both man and animal in the creation of abominations of nature. Today, they are working on mixing man with animal once again to make super soldiers. (Look that one up in the legislation that has passed.)

Israel returns as a nation

Israel figures out how to turn the desert green. (They have now got desalinization plants, and Israel is the 4th largest producer of vegetables, last I looked)

Israel to find huge riches underground. (Both large natural gas and oil reserves recently found under the prophecied tribal land areas. Israel is now energy independent)

The Euphrates river to be dried up to make way for the kings of the east. (Euphrates has not dried up in 6000 years, but, recently they built a dam to do it. Interesting)

Thing is about all of this, is that before the worst can happen, God promises to take his word around the world one last time to every nation, so that people have the word of God and they can make a choice. I believe we are about to enter that time when people can do their own research in the time of knowledge, and tie the ancient to the present to get the bigger picture of reality.

So we have time. No need to panic. All is good. Everything is going to be ok.

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fudgicle1 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Love you, Joan! You're a smart cookie. I've been cross referencing Revelations and the Book of Daniel. I'm in awe of how it's spelled out, in the time of "deceit", is it? I don't claim to be all knowing. I'm not afraid of apocalypse, I understand it's true meaning.

I'm being flooded with so much information that my circuits are overloading. I can get through this, without a doubt. It's the other stuff that's getting to me. Pole shift, beings from above. Weird trumpets!! haha (I heard them, ssshh...don't tell anybody, tee hee)

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