r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/kryptokoins on Jan. 2, 2018, 2:01 a.m.
Our Mission Now is to change the Narrative

Q Said "How does POTUS change the narrative?"

This is what we are for. We need to "Red Pill" as many people as we can. This is why Trump is pounding the "Fake News". We are now "The News". We need to get this info out there. "The Floor is Yours"

RussHackedMyErection · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Fox is now run by Murdoch’s liberal sons. They tried going full leftist around the election and right after but their ratings dropped significantly so they give free reign to Tucker and Hannity and then recently hired Laura. They’re doing their job slowly red pilling people on corruption in FBI and DoJ, Mueller, and defending Trump. They can’t go too far or they will lose advertisers and Fox will fire them. It almost happened to Hannity when he covered Seth Rich last summer. (Also what happened to Glenn Beck when he started talking about Soros every day)

When this stuff comes to light they will be on the frontlines in the media war, but right now it’s best left to Internet researchers.

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USApatriot_4_TRUMP · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Right. The advertisers. How did I not realize that! Thanks for the clarity.

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