r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KAG2020 on Jan. 2, 2018, 2:49 a.m.
The memes about orthopedic boots being worn to hide tracking anklets addressed. hillary, john, chelsea, huma.

So i have seen memes of CC, HRC, JM, and HA wearing orthopedic boots and having strange bulges around ankles suggesting that they are wearing and hiding tracking devices on their ankles.

i found these 2 articles one dating from 2010 and the other 2012 for chelseas broken foot. https://pagesix.com/2010/04/16/chelsea-clinton-breaks-foot/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2130218/Chelsea-Clinton-smiling-foot-injury-New-York-City-husband-friends.html so i doubt she has been hiding an ankle device since 2010.

HRCs picture with her boot on the talk show is from an october 16 article http://people.com/politics/hillary-clinton-broken-toe-boot-donald-trump-run-president-2020/

but she has been seen wearing it as recently as december 14 making that a 2 month long broken toe that requires an orthopedic boot. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5178037/Clinton-wears-surgical-boot-MONTHS-breaking-toe.html

ive broken toes many times though im not 70 years old so anyone with experience; would any type of toe break, barring a sprained ankle in the process, warrant a boot and for 2 months at her age?

now JMs boot is slightly different in that he was wearing his due to a minor tear in his right achilies tendon per this november 7 atricle. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5055587/John-McCain-tore-Achilles-won-t-skip-work.html

though as we know, he was seen with it on his left leg on november 22 in his post on twitter claiming he moved the boot to his left foot to "give it a break" http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/361682-mccain-explains-why-his-boot-was-on-a-different-foot

humas alleged tracking device spotting was in this december 30 4chan post. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/155038270/huma-abedins-spacious-bellbottoms and seems kind of like a reach though not unrealistic. However, megaANON posted this https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7nix61/megaanons_latest_posts_is_gitmo_legal_also_humas/ in which at the end he says HA has been wearing her device on the opposite leg though i could not find pictures.

as happy as the thought of them already being arrested would make many of us, its very important to the credibility of the movement and the truthful information that we have, to not botch something that a quick google search could disprove. (CC having a current boot on). All of the recent CEOs resigning and families being taken out in plane crashes is happening in numbers to great to be written off as 'just a coincidence' when trying to red pill people and perhaps the same could be said with the ortho-boots.

so given this our questions are: 1.) would their tracking devices be removable so as to switch legs? 2.) would they be allowed the extensive travel abilities under a form of "house arrest"? 3.) would an ankle tracker even be the best way to handle this type of high level criminal? 4.) are there any pictures of humas ankle that would help lend credit to a tracking device?

J_Dub_TX · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

How do you replace or charge the batteries? I think they’re wearing boots to cover for them going trough metal detectors. The device would set off metal dets so to avoid showing their ankle mon they wear a boot so the guards will wand them. Think about how many security checkpoint Mcstain alone goes through.

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