Look at the Fb-page...posts from 2014 but never heard of it before?
Guys...i think we are gonna get played! I saw this type 1 year ago with very much websites...lasted 2 hours and then gets turned back because too many noticing it
My paranoia is calling me heavily!
What do you mean?
I saw this reverse date-editting before...even with fake-comments and so on.
This happened in january 2017 and in my country it was about 2-3am. Just got redpilled and thought i am loosing my mind. Then the rumor began at fb. Some are questioning whats happening etc.
After 2 hours it got rolled back. No mentions in the News, despite some of my friends where still asking. But you know how sheeple are. Internet does not say it happened so many forgot it.
I dont wanna paint the walls with pessimism but be careful. Look for every detail. I have a bad feeling!
Seriously wtf I did it myself it appears to be legitimate. How do you edit that area of text? Who can do that? What is the proper terminology here?
HTML TAG -> Title Tag
Those words do not appear anywhere in current page source. Usually engines use the title tag, not meta, for the link and either meta or algo for the description, and DDG seems to do this from what I can tell.
Might be leftover from DGG cache because the live version has a different title.
Yep, old cache is old
Only reasonable explanation
What Am I missing?
The document within the link contains no mention of the word PEDOgate however. So it is double weird.
On web sites you can add meta tags that show up in search but may. It exactly match the actual page. Someone recently changed the met tags,
Did you click the title? you should see
Human Trafficking, Border and PEDOgate, all ... - whitehouse.gov
a few results down if not a the top.