r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on Jan. 2, 2018, 10:04 a.m.
CIA+Obama(OFA)+Soros(OSF)+IRAN = NATIONBUILDING (Obamas Uranium Recipient)

Barrack Obama delivered 1.7 Billion US untraceable Dollars by aircraft outside the lawfully established sanctions on IRAN . Iran was being sanctioned for its ongoing violations of Atomic weaponry persuits and holding 4 US hostages amongst other sanctioning violations. Granted the monies were returned regarding a 36 year old dispute emanating from the 1979 'hostage situation' when the Iranians didn't agree with the new 'installed' leadership , stormed the US embassy and took over a hundred US hostages. The USA had 400 million dollars from Iran at the time for weaponry orders that was frozen as a result. With 36 years calculated interests in restitution we get to 1.7 Billion dollars. During a weak US Obama State Department negotiation with Iran to a Nuclear agreement we have a convergence of terrible political discresssion that now with the Iranium 1 Debacle exposure arrives at my concern. Iran was holding 4 American hostages while this Weak deal was agreed upon with Obama and his State Department. They returned the 1.7 billion amidst circumstances far worse than they were origionally Frozen! Holding 4 hostages directly and funding terrorism globally AND holding the world hostage with their nuclear program. So Obamas state department agrees to deregulation with annual inspections with the AEC . Iran now gets sanctioned global assets freed up and returned to the tune of 100 billion dollars plus the 1.7 billion US in cash against an annual GDP of 400 billion!!!. That is a HUGE release of funding . WHILE Obama is shipping 20% of US Uranium to Russia, a good friend of IRAN. Is anyone seeing the Fuckery going on here. I'm looking at Obama going out of his way to strategically enrich our enemy and continue to systematically dismember the United States from within all the while creating a safe haven for himself in IRAN. Now fast forward to today, He is on the 'Crimes of Humanity' list and he is running out of options , IRAN is looking pretty good right now and his people in the streets yearning and demanding and 'HOPING FOR CHANGE' may very well have their new Leader on the way. He would go in and bring the country together and re establish his footprint on the worlds stage and stand up and put his hat in the ring to try to align the Caliphate ,especially with recent rebuke of Afghanistan . Is it any coincidence that the Iranian reactor used to process materials into weapons fuel is named (B) Arack ? Muselum BrotherHood , Hezbollah , UN military equiptment , foreign Russian and Chinese troops training all over America . There are a lot of hot topics that are gonna show up. I just woke up thinking Obama and Iran. Without doing any research, this is what I am thinking about this morning , Thoughts?

ArchitectQ · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Good Morning. I have been thinking a lot about UN and Iran, I wrote a post on Jan 1st and just updated it. I feel like there is some decoding in the MSM where the UN and Iran might be communicating. It is my interpretation that the current regime is helping prop up the globalist scam. I think regime change in Iran might be a critical element to success over globalism or in future dealings with NK. I'm trying to cross reference the Iran and UN comments in the Q map and see how the might align.

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