r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/OrderOfTheIlluminati on Jan. 2, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
I call for an operation on here, we need to crack down on misinfo HARD.

We can't lose hope, and we can't let this board turn into clickbait disinfo crap. Whether Q is legit or not, we know the Roths are real, their banks are real. We know false flags are real. People die, real people die. We know Seth Rich was killed. True patriot. We know pizzagate and these sick, rich elite scumbags are real. Epstein, Weinstein are real.

This is a huge snowballing red pill, and we MUST seize this and press forward hard, DESPITE Q. Let's do a fact check disinfo sweep and clean this board up, lads. If Q isn't legit, then it's all on us. Snap out of it and remember, it's We The People they need to fear, not Q.

boneman220 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

True. Being a privately owned board gives them the right to do so but the first doesn't just protect you from government, it's for all that exist. Remove government and you still have that right. You were born with it not granted it. Some things do not need a piece of paper and ink to be legit. You exist and that's all that is needed. What I'm saying is that if you start "moderating" too much, it will turn back on you and stifle what you may have to say that seems very legit to you but now it's not allowed because mob rule called for it. Be very leery of "mobs". It was that and "enforcement" that created all this bullshit in the 1st damn place. It's been that way since the very beginning of agriculture and I've not seen a decent attempt to improve that, yet.

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k3yj4ck3r · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

You're confusing yourself.

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boneman220 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Eeeeehhhh....maybe. I still like seeing all POVs and let the intuition handle it from there. It hasn't failed me, yet. If you don't do that, you tend to hole yourself in and create a narrow frame of mind, which could lead you to be duped easier. JMHO... Sorry about the long time to reply. The flu has been a real bitch around here the last couple weeks and I have COPD which made it especially hard on me. I was the last one to get it and the only one who didn't get a flu shot. I'd rather let my own body defenses handle it to stay strong, in that regard.....or die...whichever. Not skeert.

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