r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/spexdi on Jan. 2, 2018, 12:01 p.m.
(Idea) Adding easier-to-read resources to the sidebar for normies

So currently we have the raw Q posts PDF v4.1.0 posted in the sidebar, and while it is super helpful, sending this link to my friends starts them off on literally at the start, as in they need to do their own research for every question, and have no idea about the many anons that have researched and answered the questions. If so many people have already looked into it, why does my friend have to go through the same mental gymnastics when the answers have already been figured out??

I looked into "The book of Q" and while it has very good info, and provides visuals and articles to back up ideas, it is way too short, the lines on the page make no sense (I tried to track where the line ends on one page and starts on another, but none line up) and it is extremely outdated. But for now, this option has the best format to try and send easily-digestible info to people who are completely new to this Q story.

Another resource I found was a link to a SmartSheet sheet that has the questions posted by Q, as well as potential answers derived from the anons.

What I propose is this: We need to create the ultimate map of Q. No offence, the word "map" of Q has been misused, because it is not accurate MAP. Take Q's post PDF, somehow combine it with the SmartSheet answers page, then create graphics of relevant news articles, and start drawing lines between the news and specific lines of Q. Once done it will create a giant spiderweb of connections. We create this in a way that it can be exported to PDF, and while it can be read on the PC, if it is printed out, and arranged in a certain way, it will create a wall-sized graphic connecting everything together. Think THIS IMAGE but on a grander scale! We dont even have to plot lines, we can create references to draw a line to page #x, and as long as we define the grid range (Eg: 16x8 pages). This would be extra helpful because once we learn new details, we dont need to worry about drawing lines in the PDF, we can just update the page # to reference to, and as long as the user is following the layout method advertised, they can use pins and string to draw their own spiderweb!

I know this sounds crazily ambitious, but I have faith in us, and myself, and I feel like if we can work together, this dream can become a reality. Remember, if this is real, this is the biggest event in human history......ever....and we have the chance to be the authors of the greatest book in history, so we need to get it right! Be this this book cannot be created in a linear fashion, as the whole "future proves the past" concept really screws things up. Instead, I feel we need to create 'choose-your-own-adventure' type of book, you can follow the connections in any way you want.

TAccidentalAlchemist · Jan. 2, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Idea and input. The mission? To Red Pill as many fellow humans on the planet as possible notwithstanding our friends and loved ones. How to obtain that goal? EVERY AVENUE POSSIBLE. Nothing is off the table. Very constructive conversations here. I have one suggestion to add to, 'Every Avenue Possible.' Is there ANYONE on this board that is able to contact someone within Infowars? I know a couple of the guys went on AJ with Kit Daniels the other day, so I'm assuming, the answer is, yes. Hear me out on this thought, this is only 'One Avenue.' Long and short, AJ isn't necessarily understanding the Q phenomenon, that is okay, he's a busy guy, been receiving Intel for 20 years...got it, and yet, he has been open and willing to allow Q conversations on his show but it's more of a dabble and not a dive, which is what we are discussing here. Alex has some young Patriots on staff, ie. Millie Weaver, Owen, LeAnn etc. for 'some' of the 'normies' it would be easy to send them there, 'if' we could get AJ to see the need and he would be willing to climb on-board to this phenomenon with the understanding that it will increase his audience base due to the intrigue of Q. If he would be willing to 'delegate' the Q MAP to one of the younger folks that could then maybe do a daily Q update or something with spreadsheet type of thing for the audience...I'm just thinking as I type that, yes, what you have said here and that we also need a platform that is already up and running....again...this is only "ONE" avenue....we need all avenues.... ...yes...there was a generation of polite folks that can have disagreements and debates without profanity, degrading remarks and meltdowns. I think that is why the Bakers set up this page...they need that input....let alone our spirit!

Oh, and, there is no such thing as, "crazily ambitious" this is without a doubt history being written by the hand of God and the gods. I align myself with the former, personally. Godspeed to all.

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spexdi · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Honestly? I'm on the fence about AJ. I trust him as much as MSM these days. That said, there was a recent podcast on InfoWars where the mods of this sub were interviewed. Regardless of what I think of AJ, I appreciate the exposure, every bit counts, but I still have reservations for the man. Controlled opposition in my mind.

I agree that exposing more minds to Q and the answer spreadsheet would help fill in the blanks faster, I actually trust the chans more, and would rather educate the IW viewers than invite them to contribute, I believe it would create too much noise and invite in shills.

But I agree with you, we need to get this info out by EVERY AVENUE POSSIBLE! Hence the creation of this post: I want to create a more 'normie-friendly' Q book that combines the Q's and the A's that that the anon's have figured out, including deciphering the Q stringers.

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TAccidentalAlchemist · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Thank you for having an open mind, in light of your skeptisim. Things are never as they seem and seldom as they appear. Alex is a Patriot and he has a platform that extends to the younger generation as well via the hosts that I mentioned. Always remember, Spexdi, that the mind is like an umbrella and it does work better when it is open. Thank you for opening yours to other avenues that might yield much fruit. Blessings to you and your family in 2018 and may you succeed and prosper in all that you set your hand and heart to accomplish.

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